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HealthLinkBC files
… lung cancer in your lifetime if you are exposed to high levels of radon and you smoke or used to smoke. For … that are placed in the home for 3 months or longer, ideally during the fall or winter (6 to 12 months is recommended). … where people spend 4 or more hours. It’s recommended that higher concentrations be remediated sooner. For more …
HealthLinkBC files
… should get the vaccine? The vaccine is free for people at high risk of getting sick from pneumococcal infections … of the lining that covers the brain (meningitis), the blood (septicemia) and the lungs (pneumonia). Permanent …
Health topics
… in a wide variety of foods, but levels are particularly high in organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidney, as … fatigue. Taking CoQ10 can reduce the body's response to the blood thinner (anticoagulant) medicine warfarin. The Natural … in a wide variety of foods, but levels are particularly high in organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidney, as …
Health topics
… dressings. Order hamburgers and sandwiches without the high-fat extras, such as cheese and bacon. Choose leaner … take a walk or do other exercise. This will help lower your blood sugar. Type 1 Diabetes … dressings. Order hamburgers and sandwiches without the high-fat extras, such as cheese and bacon. Choose leaner …
Health topics
… and vaginal discharge that may be watery and mixed with blood. This discharge will become clear after a couple of … to need a repeat procedure. Risks Problems that can happen during endometrial ablation include: Accidental puncture … or ovaries (pelvic infection). Bleeding (hemorrhage). Blood collecting in the uterus (hematometra). Tearing of the …
Health topics
… to 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. This is because there may be blood in it. You may have to avoid strenuous activity and … more small tumours can be removed from inside the bladder during this surgery. How Well It Works This surgery may be … of the wall of the bladder. Blockage of the urethra by blood clots in the bladder. Current as of: March 1, …
Health topics
… see how well the donor kidney matches your tissue type and blood type. To do the surgery, the doctor makes a cut in … they're causing problems. The doctor then connects the blood vessels of the new kidney to your blood vessels. The … from living donors or from deceased donors can succeed. During the first weeks to months after your surgery, your …
Health topics
… lowers or increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots in the veins. Experts don't know for sure if … it. Testosterone can cause your body to make too many red blood cells. This can cause blood clots and other problems. … juice and alcohol. Some interactions can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, …
Health topics
… . Injury to the small intestine by one of the tools used during surgery. Risks of general anesthesia. Other uncommon … Bile that leaks into the abdominal cavity. Injury to blood vessels in the belly, such as the major blood vessel carrying blood from the heart to the liver …
Health topics
… is best for you. The mitral valve opens and closes to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. … cases, blood does not flow through the heart the right way. During valve surgery, you are given general anesthesia. In … while older people with other health problems have a higher risk. In general, the risks include: Effects from the …