4980 results found
… liver disease seizures bleeding problems low sodium in the blood (hyponatremia) personal or family history of glaucoma … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This … weight and height in children who are taking this drug. During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …
Health topics
… watching TV, Linda uses small hand weights to do arm lifts during commercial breaks. Every little bit helps At 39, with … my help," Linda says. "She had the hardest time keeping her blood sugar down and figuring out what to eat. I don't want … my help," Linda says. "She had the hardest time keeping her blood sugar down and figuring out what to eat. I don't want …
Health topics
… Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles, and increase your endurance. It … it, how hard you think you worked at it, and how you felt during and after the exercise. This will help you see your … Regular exercise will strengthen your muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles, and increase your endurance. It …
Health topics
… work. These tests include lung function tests , arterial blood gas tests , and exercise capacity. A lung transplant … goals. Risks The main risks of lung transplant are problems during the surgery and rejection of the donated organs. … work. These tests include lung function tests , arterial blood gas tests , and exercise capacity. A lung transplant …
Health topics
… but they don't work as well if you don't drink enough water during the day. Osmotic laxatives. Products such as Milk of … and draw fluids into the intestine from other tissue and blood vessels. This extra fluid in the intestines makes the … and draw fluids into the intestine from other tissue and blood vessels. This extra fluid in the intestines makes the …
Health topics
… What are night sweats? Night sweats are heavy sweating during sleep. This kind of sweating is different than the … results of your examination. For example, you might have blood tests or an X-ray to help find the cause of your … results of your examination. For example, you might have blood tests or an X-ray to help find the cause of your …
Health topics
… spine and tested. Your doctor may do other tests, such as blood tests, a CT scan , or an MRI . How is meningitis … cause meningitis can be spread in many ways. This includes: During birth. A mother can pass germs that cause meningitis … Through kissing, sexual contact, or contact with infected blood. Viruses that cause meningitis can be passed from an …
HealthLinkBC files
… in plumbing. Buildings constructed before 1989 may be at a higher risk of having lead in drinking water due to … the water quality is from your tap. Lead levels can change during the day, and a sample taken first thing in the … If your home was built before 1989, your plumbing may be at higher risk of containing lead. A plumber can help identify …
Health topics
… off most of your clothes. You will be given a gown to wear during the test. First, you will be asked to lie on your … The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual … The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual …
… needs. Warning This medication has rarely caused serious blood clots (including thrombotic microangiopathy) when used … prothrombin complex concentrate-aPCC). The risk is higher when aPCC has been used for 24 hours or longer and … drugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when …