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Health topics
… Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Use medicines to treat symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux … day. That's because symptoms tend to return if you stop taking medicine. What are the side effects of GERD … doctor or pharmacist before you choose an antacid. Some are high in sodium (salt). And some antacids have aspirin in …
… increases as you age, after menopause, or if you are taking corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for a … or severe bone/joint/muscle pain new or unusual hip/thigh/groin pain jaw pain eye/vision problems Risedronate may … pharmacist your medical history, especially of: low or high blood calcium levels (hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia) …
… Angina occurs when the heart muscle is not getting enough blood. This drug works by relaxing and widening blood … history, especially of: recent head injury anemia low blood pressure dehydration other heart problems (such as recent … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
… Guide provided by your pharmacist before you start taking buprenorphine/naloxone and each time you get a … if you have used this medication for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you … cardiac death) Low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood may also increase your risk of QT prolongation. This …
… meningitis), such as nausea/vomiting that doesn't stop, high fever, chills, severe headache, stiff neck, mental/mood … details. Uses This medication is used to treat a certain blood disorder (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria). This … as LDH levels, kidney function, complete blood count, blood pressure) should be done while you are using this medication …
Health topics
… because parts of the scaphoid bone don't have a good blood supply. If your bone does not heal well, you can have … first few days, your doctor may tell you to keep your wrist higher than the level of your heart and to use cold packs or … or ibuprofen (for example, Advil or Motrin). Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. In …
… Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start taking tucatinib and each time you get a refill. If you have … this, protect your hands and feet from heat or increased pressure. Avoid activities such as using hot dishwater, … with others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as complete blood count, kidney/liver function) should be done before …
Medical tests
… the back of the baby's neck. This screening also includes blood tests that measure the levels of two substances that … a transabdominal ultrasound, you may have a feeling of pressure in your bladder. The gel may feel cool when it is … a fetus. Keepsake centres may use the ultrasound machine at higher energy levels and for longer times than needed in …
Health topics
… by the hepatitis B virus. It's spread through contact with blood and body fluids from an infected person. What are the … to your age when you first become infected. The risk is highest for newborns infected at birth and children up to … liver problems worse. Make sure your doctor knows all the medicines you take. Some medicines, such as acetaminophen …
Health topics
… comments about the amount or type of food your child eats. Pressure to eat actually reduces children's acceptance of … habits can increase a child's risk for heart disease , high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , or high cholesterol later …