6170 results found
… take it more often, or take it for longer than directed. Taking loperamide with certain other medications may also … worsens, or if you develop new symptoms. If you develop blood in the stool, fever, or an uncomfortable … distention) black/tarry stool blood/mucus in your stool high fever HIV infection/AIDS liver problems certain …
Health topics
… Some medical treatments, like using corticosteroids or taking medicines to treat prostate cancer, can also lower … the strength of your bones. Your doctor may also do blood and urine tests to rule out other problems that may … Xgeva). This medicine may be used for men who are at very high risk for bone fracture, such as men who are receiving …
… cause serious (rarely fatal) kidney problems. This risk is higher if you have kidney problems, diabetes, a serious blood infection (sepsis), a certain blood problem … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
Health topics
… and fullness signals. Smart snacking can help you keep your blood sugar levels stable, especially if you are taking medicine for diabetes. Take time to enjoy your food. … an ounce of reduced-fat cheese, such as string cheese. Skip high-fat dips. Instead, mix plain yogurt, fat-free …
Medical tests
… types of samples are used for a viral test. They include blood, urine, stool (feces), organ tissue, spinal fluid, and … organ to be transplanted. Test a pregnant woman who has a high risk of passing a serious viral infection on to her … check again for a viral infection. Antibody titers that get higher over 3 weeks from the first sample to the second mean …
Health topics
… such as pneumonia and acute bronchitis , may include: Blood tests or cultures. Blood tests may help tell if you have antibodies to a … or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) . Doctors can use blood cultures to test for bacteria in your bloodstream. …
… be easiest to take calcitriol at bedtime if you are also taking these other medications. Ask your doctor or … effects. Your doctor may check your calcium and phosphate blood levels and adjust your dose if you have side effects. … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high calcium levels heart disease (such as irregular …
Health topics
… is exposed to the virus. The virus destroys certain white blood cells. If too many are destroyed, the body has trouble … to be sure the results are correct. Children who are at high risk of being infected with HIV are tested as early as … getting treated right away can help prevent the virus from taking hold and spreading in your child's body. This …
Health topics
… them inspected each year. When in use, make sure they vent properly to allow gas to escape from enclosed areas. Don't … or use a grill indoors. Don't place power generators or pressure washers near windows or doors of your home. Don't … or use a grill indoors. Don't place power generators or pressure washers near windows or doors of your home. Don't …
Health topics
… when a combination of health conditions and activities puts pressure on the median nerve . The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel in your wrist. This pressure leads to symptoms. Anything that decreases the … within the carpal tunnel to swell. The swelling puts pressure on the median nerve. Some movements can be more …