6170 results found
Health topics
… choice for people who have more severe nearsightedness (high myopia). That's because the results are harder to … or thickening of the treated area. Some doctors suggest medicines to limit it. Loss of best corrected vision, which … include: Infection. Sores (ulcers) on the cornea. Elevated pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure) and glaucoma. …
Health topics
… refers to the inability of the body tissues to respond properly to insulin. Insulin lets sugar (glucose) enter the … If the body tissues do not respond properly to insulin, the blood sugar level rises. Insulin resistance causes the … can develop a type called gestational diabetes . Some medicines such as glucocorticoids (for example, prednisone) …
Health topics
… a healthy body weight, builds stronger muscles control blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reducing your risk of …
Health topics
… hormone changes that occur during pregnancy and to physical pressure on the bladder . Bladder infections are more common … urine from the kidneys to the bladder (ureters), the use of medicines , or a blockage of the urethra . In rare cases, the urethra can become blocked by a blood clot or bladder stone . Call your doctor if you are …
Health topics
… a black or purplish appearance. You may need to have the blood drained from under the nail. The black appearance will … and COPD , severe anemia , cold exposure, exposure to high altitude, peripheral arterial disease , or shock . … and COPD , severe anemia , cold exposure, exposure to high altitude, peripheral arterial disease , or shock . …
Health topics
… care centres have stepped up these policies now. They are taking further steps to protect their patients. As long as … infection. These include: Washing hands often. Disinfecting high-touch surfaces. Wearing face masks or other protective … health care workers if they aren't washing their hands properly, wearing face masks, or taking other precautions. …
… especially during the first 6 months of treatment. Stop taking propylthiouracil and tell your doctor right away if … of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine, bloody/dark urine) coughing up blood shortness of breath … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Some products that …
Health topics
… she was pregnant. These drugs may include prescription medicines or illegal drugs. Some examples are heroin, … buprenorphine, and hydromorphone. The drugs in the mother's blood pass through the placenta and enter the baby's … your baby's vital signs. These include temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. The NICU staff …
Health topics
… body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less stress. Fewer body aches. More energy. … with only a short part of the muscle. Learn how to breathe properly when you work with weights. Exhale when you push … body fat. Stronger bones. Better posture and balance. Lower blood sugar. Less stress. Fewer body aches. More energy. …
Medical tests
… How To Prepare How It Is Done Results Test Overview Some blood tests are used to determine whether your liver is … long-term (chronic) infection. If liver enzymes are high, a test for hepatitis C antibodies may be done to see … long-term (chronic) infection. If liver enzymes are high, a test for hepatitis C antibodies may be done to see …