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6168 results found
Health topics
… during ages 12 to 21. Sometimes wisdom teeth do not come in properly and need to be removed. Normally, a person will … during ages 12 to 21. Sometimes wisdom teeth do not come in properly and need to be removed. Normally, a person will …
Medical tests
… take about 15 to 30 minutes. How It Feels You may feel some pressure as the transducer is put into your vagina. You may … take about 15 to 30 minutes. How It Feels You may feel some pressure as the transducer is put into your vagina. You may …
Health topics
… one hand, and hold the injector tip close to your child's thigh. Jab the tip firmly into your child's thigh. Jab through clothing if you must, but bare skin is … the used injector. It will be checked and then disposed of properly. Your child may need to be observed in the hospital …
Medical tests
… injected into a vein in your arm. It travels through your blood to the testicles. Parts of the testicles where the … the testicles caused by an injury or to look at the flow of blood within the testicles. How To Prepare In general, … This may be a sign of narrowing, blockage, or damage in the blood vessels in the testicles. This could mean that blood
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview The hepatitis A virus test is a blood test that shows if you have a hepatitis A infection … made by the body to fight the virus. They will be in your blood if you have a hepatitis A infection now or have had … to 12 weeks after you are first infected. They stay in your blood and protect you from hepatitis A permanently. Why It …
Health topics
… Overview An aortobifemoral bypass is surgery to redirect blood flow around blocked blood vessels in your belly or … the aorta to the femoral artery in the groin area of each thigh. The aorta is the large blood vessel that carries blood … will also make a cut in your groin at the top of each thigh. These cuts are called incisions. The doctor will put …
HealthLinkBC files
… include: Watery diarrhea, which in serious cases may become bloody Nausea Vomitiing Stomach cramps Mild fever The … a treatment for the disease? If you have diarrhea and/or bloody diarrhea for more than a few days, you should see a … a serious E. coli infection, you may need hospitalization, blood transfusion and dialysis. For more information For …
Health topics
… to light; watery, teary eyes; and a feeling of pain or pressure around the eyes Difficulty closing the eyes … your symptoms are. Treatments may include corticosteroid medicines, immunosuppressants, radiation therapy, thyroid … to light; watery, teary eyes; and a feeling of pain or pressure around the eyes Difficulty closing the eyes …
… patches seen with psoriasis. Beclomethasone is a strong (high-potency) corticosteroid. How To Use Use this medication … this medication will be absorbed from the skin into the bloodstream. This can lead to side effects of too much … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …