6170 results found
… pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose This … or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so. Properly discard this product when it is expired or no … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
… pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose This … or pour them into a drain unless instructed to do so. Properly discard this product when it is expired or no … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
… that doesn't stop, abdominal or stomach pain/cramping, blood/mucus in your stool. If you have these symptoms, do … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
Health topics
… the infected person or contact with the infected person's blood. HIV is not spread in such settings where exposures … person. Vaccines HIV is not spread by vaccines made from blood products, such as the hepatitis B vaccine and various … States. Hepatitis B vaccine now contains no human tissue or blood. The other products are made from screened blood or …
Health topics
… leg veins are weakened and cannot efficiently move the blood back toward the heart. Pooled blood and fluid in the lower legs then leads to tissue … You can prevent or heal a venous skin ulcer by helping your blood circulate back toward your heart. Elevate your legs …
Health topics
… if they: See violence in their neighbourhood. Feel pressure to join a gang. Live in a home with weapons. Use … if they: See violence in their neighbourhood. Feel pressure to join a gang. Live in a home with weapons. Use …
Health topics
… pessary that fits correctly and that does not put too much pressure on the wall of the vagina. Your pessary should be … pessary that fits correctly and that does not put too much pressure on the wall of the vagina. Your pessary should be …
Health topics
… Ages 1 to 4 months Prefer "baby talk" and voices with a high pitch. Blink or widen eyes when noticing sounds. Become … parents to limit screen time to an hour or less each day of high-quality programs. Helping your child, ages 3 to 5 The … Ages 1 to 4 months Prefer "baby talk" and voices with a high pitch. Blink or widen eyes when noticing sounds. Become …
Medical tests
… You get an injection of a radioactive tracer into your blood. Then your doctor uses a special camera to see how well your heart is pumping blood. Invasive procedure. This test is done as part of a … of your heart muscle as your ventricles fill and pump blood. The size of your ventricles. How efficiently your …
HealthLinkBC files
… reproductive organs. TB is curable. In British Columbia, medicines to prevent or cure TB are free through Provincial … need further TB testing. Further testing could include a TB blood test, chest x-ray or sputum collection. A chest x-ray … up” and making you sick. The TB preventive treatment medicines are recommended for those people most likely to …