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6170 results found
Health topics
… the wheels. Have a secure shoulder harness, lap belt, and a high back. A child should be able to fall asleep and be well … the wheels. Have a secure shoulder harness, lap belt, and a high back. A child should be able to fall asleep and be well …
Health topics
… collect in the drainage bag. Your catheter leaks. You have blood or pus in your urine. You have pain in your back just … collect in the drainage bag. Your catheter leaks. You have blood or pus in your urine. You have pain in your back just …
Health topics
… there are antibodies to the Rh factor in the mother's blood. In this case: A normal (negative) result means that … the mother has not developed antibodies against the fetus's blood. A negative Coombs test indicates that the fetus is … that the mother has developed antibodies to the fetal red blood cells and is sensitized . However, a positive Coombs …
… Also, melphalan may cause a severe decrease in your blood cells, which lowers your ability to fight infections … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Melphalan is very … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …
… marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose If … blood count, uric acid, EKG) should be done while you are taking this medication. Keep all medical and lab …
Health topics
… wavelength of light that is focused in a narrow beam. This high-intensity light is used to shrink or destroy skin … the area. Discharge of pus. Fever of 38 °C (100.4 °F) or higher with no other cause. Citations Duncan KO, … wavelength of light that is focused in a narrow beam. This high-intensity light is used to shrink or destroy skin …
Health topics
… or depression. Side effects of caffeine, alcohol, or medicines. Examples of medicines that may cause dyspepsia … may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with caffeine in them, such as … may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with caffeine in them, such as …
Health topics
… child has other signs of illness, your doctor may order blood or urine tests. How is impetigo treated? Impetigo is … child has other signs of illness, your doctor may order blood or urine tests. How is impetigo treated? Impetigo is …
Health topics
… considered when your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher. Surgery may also be an option when your BMI is 35 or higher and you have a life-threatening or disabling problem … You could get an infection in the incision. You could get a blood clot in your legs ( deep vein thrombosis , or DVT) or …
… any serious side effects, including: stomach/abdominal pain bloody diarrhea vomiting signs of infection (such as sore … pharmacist. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicines without your doctor's approval. Overdose This … else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or …