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Health topics
… in Teens and Adults . Asthma: Measuring Peak Flow . Asthma: Taking Charge of Your Asthma . Asthma: Using an Asthma … Treatment Obstacles Asthma: Overcoming Obstacles to Taking Medicines Asthma: Overuse of Quick-Relief Medicines
Health topics
… how long you should wait to test your lung function after taking your medicine. You may need to wait a few hours after … 180. Repeat these steps two more times. Write down the highest of the three numbers in your asthma diary. If you … 180. Repeat these steps two more times. Write down the highest of the three numbers in your asthma diary. If you …
Health topics
… Work with your doctor. There may be other brands or other medicines your child can take. You may be concerned about … growth or health. Learn the myths and facts about steroid medicines for asthma. Children or teenagers may be … Work with your doctor. There may be other brands or other medicines your child can take. You may be concerned about …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview It's not unusual for women who are taking hormone pills for birth control to have very light … any pills, it's unlikely that you are pregnant. Do not stop taking your pills and risk a pregnancy unless your doctor … test as soon as you can. If the test is positive, stop taking your pills. Call your doctor for advice about the …
Health topics
… retina, in the layer just beneath the retina (choroid), in blood vessels, or in tissues in the eye. What are the … tool with a light. If a retinal tear or detachment involves blood vessels in the retina, you may have bleeding in the … retina, in the layer just beneath the retina (choroid), in blood vessels, or in tissues in the eye. What are the …
Health topics
… lines the back of the eyeball (retina), optic nerve, or blood vessels in the eye . Evaluation by a health … lines the back of the eyeball (retina), optic nerve, or blood vessels in the eye . Evaluation by a health …
Health topics
… to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. He or she can help you choose the birth … to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. He or she can help you choose the birth …
Health topics
… The sputum is rust-coloured or contains bright red blood. It lasts longer than 10 days. It occurs with other … The sputum is rust-coloured or contains bright red blood. It lasts longer than 10 days. It occurs with other …
Health topics
… CD4+ cell counts. Have a very low level of HIV in their blood. A small number of people never become infected with … CD4+ cell counts. Have a very low level of HIV in their blood. A small number of people never become infected with …
Health topics
… Bites and Stings: Flu-Like Symptoms Carole's Story: Taking Medicine Right Away to Stop a Migraine Cluster … Jerry's Story: Reducing Stress to Stop Tension Headaches Medicines for Cluster Headaches Migraine Headache Triggers … Bites and Stings: Flu-Like Symptoms Carole's Story: Taking Medicine Right Away to Stop a Migraine Cluster …