6265 results found
Health topics
… are common during pregnancy. When the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from the legs, it becomes harder for blood to leave the legs. This can lead to pooled blood that …
Health topics
… of treatment. Healthy eating Eating a healthy, balanced diet with enough protein and calories may help you keep … with your doctor, and make those decisions together. Drink high-calorie protein shakes between meals. Try nutritious … other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. …
HealthLinkBC files
… combustion by-products? Carbon monoxide (CO): Reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Acute exposure may cause … If you have heart disease, it may cause chest pain High levels of carbon monoxide exposure can cause loss of … to prevent leakage Use only aged or dried wood, not pressure treated or painted wood that may form more toxic …
Health topics
… acids. This type of fat can be part of a heart-healthy diet. Fish oil supplements are another way to get omega-3 … help protect your heart. footnote 1 If you have severely high triglycerides, your doctor may recommend you take fish … Diet Guidelines for a Healthy Heart Heart-Healthy Eating High Triglycerides Citations Abdelhamid AS, et …
… triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It … this medication even if you feel well. Most people with high cholesterol or triglycerides do not feel sick. It is … you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. A …
Health topics
… heavy feeling in the scrotum and a dull pain or feeling of pressure in the lower belly. How is it diagnosed? If … to rule out other possible causes of a testicle problem. Blood or imaging tests may also be done. If these tests show … of a pea, usually is not painful. Testicular cancer has a high cure rate. The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) recommends …
Health topics
… heavily. This is because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. The blood is … from falls. For example, never leave your baby alone in a high place, such as on a table or a bed. Establish safe … the wound. The bleeding does not stop or slow down with pressure. Blood is quickly soaking through bandage after …
Health topics
… Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen to all of your cells. But when … storing iron in the body. When iron levels are dangerously high, organ and tissue damage can happen. What causes it? … to screen for hemochromatosis in the general population using blood tests or genetic tests because hemochromatosis …
… by your doctor, do not wear contact lenses while you are using this medicine. Sterilize contact lenses according to … at the corner of your eye (near the nose) and apply gentle pressure. This will prevent the medication from draining … effects. Use of this medication for prolonged periods or in high doses may cause serious eye problems (such as high …
Medical tests
… lungs put oxygen into and remove carbon dioxide from your blood. Types of lung function tests include: Spirometry. Gas … small airtight room. You breathe through a mouthpiece while pressure and air flow measurements are collected. Residual … results are reported as a lung clearance index (LCI). A high LCI value means that the lungs aren't working well. Why …