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6264 results found
… Angina occurs when the heart muscle is not getting enough blood. This drug works by relaxing and widening blood … Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using nitroglycerin and each time you get a refill. If you … history, especially of: recent head injury anemia low blood pressure dehydration other heart problems (such as recent …
Health topics
… than others. Touch. Your newborn's sense of touch is highly developed, particularly around the mouth, where he or she is sensitive to temperature, pressure, and pain. Newborns like gentle handling and to … can hear fairly well. Babies are especially responsive to high-pitched and loud sounds. Your newborn baby also …
Health topics
… bleeding. This is because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Often the … the wound. The bleeding does not stop or slow down with pressure. Blood is quickly soaking through bandage after … and Other Activities Preventing Falls in Older Adults Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment …
Medical tests
… of the heartbeat can also be noted, as well as whether the blood vessel feels hard or soft. Changes in your heart rate … ). Stimulants such as caffeine, amphetamines , diet pills, and cigarettes. Drinking alcohol. Stress. Slow … types of heart disease and medicine to treat heart disease. High levels of fitness. An underactive thyroid gland ( …
Health topics
… For the body to function properly, the heart needs to pump blood at a sufficient rate to maintain an adequate and … Cardiac output is the term that describes the amount of blood your heart pumps each minute. Doctors think about … during exercise. Sufficient cardiac output helps keep blood pressure at the levels needed to supply oxygen-rich blood to …
Health topics
… few steps, climb stairs, drive, or lie down with direct pressure on the side of the hip. See a picture of bursitis … at a healthy weight. Wear well-cushioned shoes, and avoid high heels. Walk up and down stairs one at a time, leading … Avoid activities that make one side of the pelvis higher than the other, such as running in only one direction …
… side effect. However, diarrhea can rarely become severe, causing very serious problems due to dehydration. Tell your … or doesn't stop, abdominal or stomach pain/cramping, or blood/mucus in your stool. Temporary hair loss may occur. … protecting your hands and feet from a great deal of heat or pressure. For example, avoid taking hot baths/showers, …
Medical tests
… specific instructions. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … It can help keep fluid from building up again. A tight (pressure) bandage will be placed over the site to reduce … stain and culture. Bacteria in the joint fluid that are causing an infection may be seen under a microscope after …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A chemistry screen is a blood test that measures the levels of several substances in … plan or lifestyle. To look for problems, such as a low or high blood glucose level that may be causing a specific symptom. To follow a specific health …
Medical tests
… you may have celiac disease, he or she will order a simple blood test that looks for these antibodies. Why It Is Done A … Help diagnose celiac disease. Check how well a gluten-free diet is working as a treatment for celiac disease. Look for … It Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a …