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6264 results found
Health topics
… graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to create an … medical team will monitor your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rhythm, and blood oxygen levels. Opening the … from your arm (radial artery) or leg (saphenous vein). Using a chest-wall artery for a graft vessel Besides your …
Health topics
… called "joint involvement." You get a score from 0 to 5. Blood tests. The part of the blood called "serum" is … peptide antibodies (anti-CCP or ACPA). These are usually higher than normal in people who have rheumatoid arthritis. … peptide antibodies (anti-CCP or ACPA). These are usually higher than normal in people who have rheumatoid arthritis. …
Health topics
… Overview Carbohydrate counting helps you to control your blood sugar when you have gestational diabetes. Carbohydrate … of carbohydrate you eat throughout the day to help prevent high blood sugar after eating. You should test your blood … and balance your meals and snacks: Talk with a registered dietitian to help plan the amount of carbohydrate to include …
… doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high blood pressure bone loss (osteoporosis) depression diabetes eye …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A C-reactive protein (CRP) test is a blood test that measures the amount of a protein called … measures general levels of inflammation in your body. High levels of CRP are caused by infections and many … cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it. Other tests are needed to find the cause and …
… as directed by your doctor, usually once daily. If you are using the liquid form, measure your dose with a special … effects. Your doctor may check your calcium and phosphate blood levels and adjust your dose if you have side effects. … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: high calcium levels heart disease (such as irregular …
… needs. Warning This medication may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow problems (low red blood cells/white … every 3 to 4 weeks. This medication may cause low blood pressure. Tell your doctor or other health care professional … throat may occur. Brush your teeth carefully/gently, avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol, and rinse your mouth …
Health topics
… body return to their normal state. Cooling down prevents blood from collecting (pooling) in your arms and legs and prevents cramping, increased blood pressure, dizziness, or feeling sick to your stomach. A good …
… for Use if available from your pharmacist before you start using this medication and each time you get a refill. If you … have serious side effects. This medication may rarely cause blood clots (such as pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart … attack, deep vein thrombosis), especially when used at high doses. You may be at increased risk for blood clots if …
Health topics
… bad breath. When you have less saliva, bacteria can grow, causing bad breath. The flow of saliva almost stops during … or an object in the nose. Diabetes. A symptom of very high blood sugar is a strong, fruity breath odour. Digestive …