6264 results found
Healthy eating
… who are watching their weight or following a heart healthy diet. Traditional high fat foods are served on these occasions. Occasional … Make your own salad dressing by cutting the oil in half and using a variety of herbs, lemon juice, wine/balsamic vinegar …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? Symptoms can include pain in the belly, blood in your stools, or more frequent bowel movements. If … or rectal cancer that has spread or returned is diagnosed using a physical examination and several tests, including … and outside the bowel area. Radiation therapy This uses high-dose X-rays to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumours. …
Health topics
… night. Be smart about juice. Juice is not part of a healthy diet. Compared to a piece of fruit, fruit juice doesn't have … frequent bottle-feedings, especially with juice or other high-sugar liquids, make a child more likely to develop … to rinse or brush your child's teeth after your child eats high-sugar foods, especially sticky, sweet foods like …
Health topics
… disease, too much of this fluid builds up. This creates pressure in the parts of your inner ear that control … who will get Ménière's disease. But your risk may be higher than normal if you have: Another family member who … This can help the doctor find where the problem is that's causing vertigo. Imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan of …
Health topics
… Examples include: Antacids. Antidepressants. Some blood pressure medicines. Cold medicines (antihistamines). Calcium … may not be needed. For non-prescription medicines, stop using the medicine. Call your doctor if you feel that you or …
… or if you have sexual intercourse at any time without using two effective forms of birth control, stop taking this … It works by decreasing facial oil (sebum) production. High amounts of sebum can lead to severe acne. If left … food. Food helps increase absorption of this drug into your bloodstream. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more …
Health topics
… organ, such as the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as anorexia , bulimia , or fad dieting. Intense exercise. Stress. Malnutrition. Chronic … organ, such as the uterus or ovaries. Very low or very high body weight. Eating disorders, such as anorexia , …
Health topics
… I taste flavours so much more now than I did when I ate my high-fat diet." When she craves something sweet, she will have a … I taste flavours so much more now than I did when I ate my high-fat diet." When she craves something sweet, she will …
Health topics
… slightly lower than your hips. If your chair or desk is too high, use a foot rest to raise your knees. When driving your … A kneeling chair helps tilt your hips forward, taking pressure off of the lower back. Sitting on an exercise ball … slightly lower than your hips. If your chair or desk is too high, use a foot rest to raise your knees. When driving your …
… may direct you to take a lower dose during the day and a higher dose at bedtime. If you are using the liquid form of this medication, carefully measure … serious side effects. This medication may rarely make your blood sugar rise, which can cause or worsen diabetes. Tell …