6264 results found
Medical tests
… called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device … and stress echocardiograms. A Doppler echo shows blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be … called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device …
Health topics
… work, watch TV, or read. Sleeping on a pillow that's too high or too flat or that doesn't support your head, or … a penetrating injury such as a stab wound, or external pressure applied to the neck, such as strangulation . Pain … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. Shortness of breath While … you may have orthopnea is that when you lie flat, the blood that ordinarily pools in the veins of your legs is … of the day or after you stand for long periods. It hurts. Pressure leaves impressions in your skin. Shoes no longer …
… or stopped by your doctor. Methotrexate (usually at high dosages) has rarely caused severe (sometimes fatal) blood/bone marrow problems (decreasing your body's ability … when it is used for long periods of time. If you are using methotrexate long term, a liver biopsy is usually …
Health topics
… Some of the assessments used to identify risks include blood pressure tests, blood glucose tests, cholesterol tests, bone density tests, …
… you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. A … your medical history, especially of: illness with a high fever over 101 degrees F (38 degrees C) immune system … vaccine for at least 5 months if you have received a blood transfusion or other blood products (such as immune …
Health topics
… activity. Children who use insulin are at risk for low blood sugar during and after exercise. Good planning means … of how exercise affects your child's blood sugar level. Using your records, you can learn to predict how your child … Teachers and coaches may not know the signs of sudden high or low blood sugar. You might need to explain what …
… marrow function, an effect that may lead to a low number of blood cells such as red cells, white cells, and platelets. … your risk of serious side effects will increase. If you are using the capsules, swallow the them whole. Do not crush, … neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia) HIV infection high uric acid level in the blood radiation treatment …
… serious infection (such as meningitis, bacteria in the blood) due to certain bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae). … is injected into a muscle, it is given in the upper arm or thigh. You may need to have another dose of vaccine if you … you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. Tell …
Health topics
… teaching classmates what diabetes is and what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by … to watch for. Describe your child's symptoms of low or high blood sugar and how to treat them. Who to call. List … Diabetes Educator Colleen O'Connor PhD, RD - Registered Dietitian Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: Healthwise …