6263 results found
Health topics
… live in our intestines and on our skin, usually without causing problems. But if they become resistant to antibiotics, … VRE, he or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, urine, or stool to a lab. The lab will grow the … Part of your treatment may include sending samples of your blood, urine, or stool to a lab to see if you still have VRE …
Health topics
… of acetaminophen are rare if it is taken in correct doses. High doses of acetaminophen can cause liver and kidney … if you have liver or kidney disease or if you take blood thinning medication that contains warfarin. If you are … a day for men or 2 or more drinks a day for women. Stop using acetaminophen and contact your doctor if your pain …
Health topics
… toe may bend up at the joint where the toe and foot meet, causing the middle toe joint to rise up. Phalangeal head … toe. Risks of anesthesia , such as a change in your blood pressure . Your specific risks depend on the type of …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview All warm-blooded pets, such as cats, dogs, birds, and rodents, have … Use a static cloth for dusting, and use a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which helps … Use a static cloth for dusting, and use a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which helps …
… specific health needs. Warning Your doctor should order a blood test to check your kidney function before you start … If you stop taking this medication early, you have a higher risk of forming a serious blood clot (such as a … you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. This …
HealthLinkBC files
… a baby at birth if their mother has hepatitis B, or is at high risk of hepatitis B infection. A baby who has a … get the vaccine at birth. For a list of those who are at higher risk of hepatitis B infection, see HealthLinkBC File … vaccine . Babies immunized at birth need to have a blood test 4 weeks after their last dose of hepatitis B …
… needs. Warning This medication may cause certain severe blood and bone marrow problems (low red blood cells/white … worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Many people using this medication may have serious side effects. … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
HealthLinkBC files
… to an area where the risk of meningococcal B disease is high For information on high risk travel areas, contact a travel clinic. If you want … that covers the brain, and septicemia, an infection of the blood. Permanent complications of infection include brain …
Health topics
… bulge in the groin or scrotum . You may also feel pain, pressure or burning, or a feeling that something has "given … through a weak part in the lower belly into the upper thigh, just below the groin crease. This occurs more often in … wound infection after surgery or had more than one surgery using the same incision. Epigastric hernia An epigastric …
Health topics
… A rectal examination if you are a man. A urine test. A blood test. You may have more tests if your doctor thinks … such as mirabegron. Side effects may include increased blood pressure, inflammation of the nose and pharynx, and urinary …