6262 results found
… Irinotecan liposomal has caused a serious decrease in white blood cells (neutropenia). Low white blood cells can make … Your doctor will monitor your blood counts while you are using this medication. Keep all medical and lab … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
… disease). Factor IX is a protein (clotting factor) in the blood that works with other clotting factors to help the … problems (such as inhibitor to factor XIII). If you are using this medication for one of these conditions, consult … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
… disease). Factor IX is a protein (clotting factor) in the blood that works with other clotting factors to help the … Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using factor IX and each time you get a refill. If you have … should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any diet or commencing or discontinuing any course of treatment. …
Health topics
… if you've had two or more. A history of miscarriage. A diet low in carotene. Carotene is a form of vitamin A. What … diagnosed? Your doctor can find a molar pregnancy with: A blood test to measure your pregnancy hormones. A pelvic … up to 10 days. Use sanitary pads until you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to keep track of your bleeding. …
Health topics
… A fever. A red, swollen bump in your mouth. It may have blood or pus oozing from it. A tooth that is very tender or … dentist may: Give you antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the infection. Make a hole in the tooth to drain the … for regular dental cleanings and checkups. Eat a healthy diet, avoid sugary foods and drinks, and limit between-meal …
Health topics
… between your raised knees. This can help relieve pain and pressure for a while. A separated pubic symphysis can take 3 … after childbirth. Fractured tailbone During childbirth, pressure from the baby's head can fracture the tailbone … between your raised knees. This can help relieve pain and pressure for a while. A separated pubic symphysis can take 3 …
Health topics
… you do, don't tell Jaci that you can tell she's been on a diet. The 30-year-old mother of two feels strongly that … 4 years was the result of permanent lifestyle changes—not dieting. "I actually get mad at people when they say, 'You've been on a diet.' I'm not on a diet. I've never been on a diet. I just …
… doctor. If the child has a sore throat (especially with high fever, headache, or nausea/vomiting), consult the … you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. A … that requires you to limit/avoid these substances in your diet. If you have any of these conditions, ask your doctor …
… Tryptophan is a natural substance (amino acid) found in high-protein foods and milk. In the US, tryptophan is sold as a dietary supplement. It has been used to support mood, … remember, take it at the same times each day. If you are using tryptophan as a dietary supplement, take this product …
HealthLinkBC files
… heart rate, less oxygen to the heart and constricted blood vessels that increase blood pressure and make the heart work harder. In the long term, … second-hand smoke harm babies and children? Children are at higher risk of getting sick from second-hand smoke because …