6260 results found
Health topics
… vitamins, and minerals from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. What causes it? Causes of malabsorption … Treatment for malabsorption syndrome may include a special diet, medicine to replace intestinal enzymes or reduce … vitamins, and minerals from the intestinal tract into the bloodstream. What causes it? Causes of malabsorption …
Health topics
… Water, to replace water lost through activity. Eating a diet that is balanced, varied, and moderate can give you all … Water, to replace water lost through activity. Eating a diet that is balanced, varied, and moderate can give you all …
HealthLinkBC files
… include pressuring an older adult with requests for money, using an older adult’s property or money without their permission, or improperly using one’s authority under a power of attorney Sexual abuse occurs when a person pressures an older adult for intimacy, sexually harasses or …
Medical tests
… loss of consciousness or dementia . Help find what is causing a change in consciousness . Find out if a person who … waves are normally found when you are alert or have taken high doses of certain medicines, such as benzodiazepines . … has stopped. It's usually caused by lack of oxygen or blood flow inside the brain. It may happen when a person has …
Health topics
… older 1,200 800 *Adequate intake rather than recommended dietary allowance (RDA) Talk with your doctor about how much … exposure. This can be due to sunscreen use or living at a high latitude (which includes most of Canada). Dark skin, … too much vitamin D increases the amount of calcium in your blood. If this happens, you can become confused and have an …
Health topics
… cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come from … cells are in your bone marrow . You also have some in your blood that circulate from your bone marrow. Bone marrow stem … the bone marrow or the blood depends on the child's size. Using your own stem cells in a transplant is safer than …
Medical tests
… and pulses of radio wave energy to provide pictures of blood vessels inside the body. In many cases MRA can provide … tomography (CT) scan . MRA can find problems with the blood vessels that may be causing reduced blood flow. With MRA, both the blood flow and …
Health topics
… Information An obstetric panel is a group of blood tests done to check the health of a woman before and … during pregnancy or for a baby immediately after birth. Blood type , antibody screening, and a complete blood count (CBC) are all part of an obstetric panel. Your …
Health topics
… Learn more: Cancer prevention eating guidelines Plant-based diet guidelines After a diagnosis Find out about eating well …
Health topics
… This is because smoking can slowly and permanently damage blood vessels throughout the body, including those that carry blood to the penis. An erection is caused when blood flow to … less sexual sensation or feel less aroused. Smoking while using hormonal birth control increases a woman's risks for …