6260 results found
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… this medicine if: Your asthma is not well controlled after using inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta2-agonists … People who use oral or injected corticosteroids or who need high doses of inhaled corticosteroids for daily control can … People who use oral or injected corticosteroids or who need high doses of inhaled corticosteroids for daily control can …
Health topics
… development and have a college degree or are otherwise highly experienced. Also, find out how long staff members … of a single family. Nannies usually have at least a high school education. Many have university degrees in … provider Begin your search by asking friends and family and using your local library and the internet. You also may want …
Health topics
… Thrombolytics are medicines that rapidly dissolve a blood clot. They are used when a blood clot causes an emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke. These clot-busting medicines help blood to flow normally again. Thrombolytics are used as soon …
Health topics
… history of your symptoms, doing a physical examination, and using imaging tests. The tests may include an MRI, CT scan, … in the legs, feet, or buttocks. Stiffness in the legs and thighs. Low back pain. In severe cases, loss of bladder and … But they may work for only a short time. Surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve roots. Unless the symptoms are …
Health topics
… Overview Suicide rates increase with age and are highest among white men age 65 and older. Divorced and widowed men in this age group have the highest suicide rates, and their most common method of … warning signs may be present in older adults who have a high risk for suicide: Depression . Older adults have higher …
Health topics
… care of pregnant women. Perinatologists , who specialize in high-risk pregnancy . Family doctors who provide pregnancy … care of pregnant women. Perinatologists , who specialize in high-risk pregnancy . Family doctors who provide pregnancy …
Health topics
… of a substance in your brain (called serotonin) gets too high. Examples of medicines that may cause serotonin … of a substance in your brain (called serotonin) gets too high. Examples of medicines that may cause serotonin …
Health topics
… If the doctor thinks you may have malaria, they will use a blood smear to check for the disease. During this test, a sample of blood is placed on a glass slide, prepared, and looked at under a microscope. A blood smear test can help diagnose malaria. It can also help …
Health topics
… donate stem cells. If you wish to be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type. … people who need a transplant. If a match is found, another blood sample will be taken. This is to see if your tissue … marrow is usually removed from the back of your pelvic bone using a special hollow needle. This is a surgical procedure …
Health topics
… dilate. When your heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. As more … or an immune system problem. Drinking too much alcohol, using certain illegal drugs such as cocaine, or taking …