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HealthLinkBC files
… in plumbing. Buildings constructed before 1989 may be at a higher risk of having lead in drinking water due to … day, and a sample taken first thing in the morning before using water will generally show any problems. If your home was built before 1989, your plumbing may be at higher risk of containing lead. A plumber can help identify …
Health topics
… occur, such as starting a new school. Also, watch for other high-stress situations, such as a heavy class load or final … a child behave and function well. But if parents stop using the techniques, problem behaviour most often returns. … occur, such as starting a new school. Also, watch for other high-stress situations, such as a heavy class load or final …
Health topics
… do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your … The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual … The initial evaluations on virtual colonoscopy were done by highly trained radiologists, so the results of your virtual …
Health topics
… if his or her judgment is changed by alcohol. Can cause blood vessels in the skin to get bigger (dilate). This … if his or her judgment is changed by alcohol. Can cause blood vessels in the skin to get bigger (dilate). This …
Health topics
… smell, or sound human, which may confuse pets. The weak, high-pitched cry of newborns may also sound like prey to … Carry a doll around. Talk to your pet about the baby, using the baby's name if you chose one. If possible, play … smell, or sound human, which may confuse pets. The weak, high-pitched cry of newborns may also sound like prey to …
Health topics
… weeks pregnant and think you feel the baby's head pressing high up in your belly or you feel kicking in your lower … a baby from a breech position to a head-down position by using a procedure called an external cephalic version. (If … weeks pregnant and think you feel the baby's head pressing high up in your belly or you feel kicking in your lower …
HealthLinkBC files
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Who is at higher risk from water-borne infections? People with very weak immune systems who are at higher risk of certain water-borne diseases include those … as rivers, lakes and streams, can also contain disease-causing organisms from animal feces. If you have a weak immune …
Health topics
… increase your speed so your heart rate rises and more blood flows to your muscles. For example, start walking at a …
Health topics
…  is still available to close contacts and those at the highest risk of infection. For information on the situation … masks, bandages, or other contaminated materials in a high-quality garbage bag. Keep the bag in an animal-proof …
Medical tests
… screening. It's only recommended for people who have a high risk for lung cancer. Canadian experts recommend lung … screening. It's only recommended for people who have a high risk for lung cancer. Canadian experts recommend lung …