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Health topics
… (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from the damage … An AAT deficiency test measures the level of AAT in the blood. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung … treatment, you must meet the following guidelines: Your blood levels of the alpha-1 antitrypsin enzyme are less than …
Health topics
… treatment options. When possible, meniscus surgery is done using arthroscopy instead of open surgery. During … small incisions. Surgery has risks, including infection, a blood clot in the leg, damage to nerves or blood vessels, and the risks of anesthesia. After surgery …
Medical tests
… problems. How To Prepare If you take aspirin or some other blood thinner, ask your doctor if you should stop taking it … the risk of bleeding. Your doctor may order certain blood tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC) and … take your medicines on the day of the biopsy, please do so using only a sip of water. Be sure you have someone to take …
Health topics
… sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… a piece of bone or cartilage (or both) inside a joint loses blood supply and dies. It may be caused by injury or by … a piece of bone or cartilage (or both) inside a joint loses blood supply and dies. It may be caused by injury or by …
Health topics
… sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the spleen. The spleen can … sickle cell disease . It happens when a lot of sickled red blood cells get trapped in the spleen. The spleen can …
Health topics
… the skin to injure muscle, ligaments , tendons , nerves, blood vessels, and bones. These burns always require medical … the skin to injure muscle, ligaments , tendons , nerves, blood vessels, and bones. These burns always require medical …
Health topics
… are available for help . Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Burns and Electric Shock Cuts … are available for help . Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin Burns and Electric Shock Cuts …
Health topics
… lines the back of the eyeball (retina), optic nerve, or blood vessels in the eye . Evaluation by a health … lines the back of the eyeball (retina), optic nerve, or blood vessels in the eye . Evaluation by a health …
Health topics
… petechiae (say "puh-TEE-kee-eye"). These are specks of blood that have leaked into the skin. They are caused by the … in the neck, armpit, or groin. Fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher. An extra fussy baby. When to call a doctor Skin … that is less than 36.6°C (97.8°F) or is 38°C (100.4°F) or higher. Call if you cannot take your baby's temperature but …