3275 results found
… cause serious (rarely fatal) kidney problems. The risk is higher if you have kidney problems, diabetes, a serious … This medication is made from healthy human blood that has a high level of certain defensive substances (antibodies), … pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results are high. Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious …
… transfusions before certain planned surgeries that have a high risk of blood loss (usually given with an … sites include the upper arms, abdomen, front of the middle thighs, or upper outer area of the buttocks. Change the … side effects. Epoetin alfa may sometimes cause or worsen high blood pressure, especially in patients with long-term …
Health topics
… some risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, may be related to certain inherited … some risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, may be related to …
Health topics
… before you go home. Why It Is Done TIPS is used to reduce high blood pressure in the portal vein that carries blood … can happen when veins swell and break open because of the high pressure. This is called variceal bleeding. TIPS may be … before you go home. Why It Is Done TIPS is used to reduce high blood pressure in the portal vein that carries blood …
Health topics
… (2014). Tuberculosis surveillance and screening in selected high-risk populations. In Canadian Tuberculosis Standards … (2014). Tuberculosis surveillance and screening in selected high-risk populations. In Canadian Tuberculosis Standards … (2014). Tuberculosis surveillance and screening in selected high-risk populations. In Canadian Tuberculosis Standards …
Health topics
… count measures the pollen in the air. When this number is high, you will be more likely to have an allergic reaction … allergic to pollens. Windy, dry weather often results in a high pollen count, while damp weather lowers it. During the … are advertised so you can avoid pollen when the counts are high. The exact dates of pollen seasons vary in different …
Health topics
… most often used to stop cluster headaches include: High-flow oxygen inhalation therapy. You breathe oxygen … Headaches Citations Cohen AS, et al. (2009). High-flow oxygen for treatment of cluster headache: A … & Karin M. Lindholm DO - Neurology Cohen AS, et al. (2009). High-flow oxygen for treatment of cluster headache: A …
Health topics
… ovarian cancer. For example, the risk of ovarian cancer is higher for those who have BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene changes than … certain other cancers raises your risk. And you are at even higher risk if you have two close relatives with cancer. … you drink. When you are able to eat, try clear soups, mild foods, and liquids until all symptoms are gone for 12 to 48 …
Health topics
… recommend having a screening test for HIV if you have a high risk of infection. footnote 1 HIV tests are also … Canada (PHAC) recommends screening for HIV if you engage in high-risk behaviour. footnote 1 High-risk behaviour means that you: Are a man who has sex …
… conditions that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol/triglyceride levels. Before having surgery, … conditions that increase your risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or high …