4722 results found
… health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … health needs. Uses This medication is used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary arterial …
… have occurred in people while receiving cetuximab. Your risk may be higher if you have a history of tick bites or have a severe … infection (such as sore throat that doesn't go away, high fever, chills) signs of kidney problems (such as change …
… people, this medication may sometimes cause addiction. This risk may be higher if you have a substance use disorder (such as overuse … if you have used chloral hydrate for a long time or in high doses. Tell your doctor or pharmacist right away if you …
… that may infect an open wound. This helps to decrease the risk of the bacteria spreading to surrounding skin, or to … old, or who have certain disorders (such as jaundice, high blood levels of bilirubin, G6PD deficiency). … old, or who have certain disorders (such as jaundice, high blood levels of bilirubin, G6PD deficiency). …
HealthLinkBC files
… Extreme heat happens when the heat and humidity are much higher than we would expect during a normal summer day. … (0-1 year) and young children (1-5 years) may be at a higher risk of heat-related illness, especially if they do not have …
… has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … attack, deep vein thrombosis), especially when used at high doses. You may be at increased risk for blood clots if … attack, deep vein thrombosis), especially when used at high doses. You may be at increased risk for blood clots if …
… Careful monitoring by your doctor may decrease your risk. Lab/medical tests (such as liver function, kidney … dizzy, especially if you are also taking medication(s) for high blood pressure. Alcohol or marijuana (cannabis) can … dizzy, especially if you are also taking medication(s) for high blood pressure. Alcohol or marijuana (cannabis) can …
Health topics
… packaged foods and restaurant foods, which typically are high in sodium. Not adding salt to your food during cooking … friends, or senior centres or other organizations. Avoid high-sodium foods Try not to eat high-sodium foods. These include: Smoked, cured, salted, and …
… pain, yellowing eyes/skin. Obinutuzumab may increase your risk of getting a rare but very serious (sometimes fatal) … flushing, headache, fever, or chills. If you take drugs for high blood pressure, ask your doctor ahead of time if you … flushing, headache, fever, or chills. If you take drugs for high blood pressure, ask your doctor ahead of time if you …
… to treat serious lung infections may be at an increased risk for death. Discuss the risks and benefits of this … if you have heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, or if you take certain medications (see … if you have heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, or if you take certain medications (see …