4722 results found
… If you stop taking this medication early, you have a higher risk of forming a serious blood clot (such as a stroke, … before any spinal procedure. The risk of bleeding may be higher if you have a deformed spine, or have had spinal …
Health topics
… sugar levels rise. Taking insulin can prevent symptoms of high blood sugar. It can also help to prevent emergencies … serious and permanent health problems from long-term high blood sugar. Remember these key tips for giving insulin … share syringes with another person. Sharing puts you at risk of getting diseases that can be transferred through …
Health topics
… joints, blood vessels, and spine. You could also be at risk for problems such as tendinopathy and bursitis . These … you use them. Use stepladders instead of chairs to reach high objects. Report any hazards such as loose carpeting or … stress levels, leading to problems with muscles and joints. High-level noise is regulated by the Canadian Centre for …
Health topics
… During Pregnancy HELLP Syndrome Hepatitis C in Pregnancy High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy High-Risk Pregnancy HIV and Pregnancy Hospital Policies and …
… has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … be machine-washed with hot water and dried in a dryer (at high setting) for at least 20 minutes. These items may also … be machine-washed with hot water and dried in a dryer (at high setting) for at least 20 minutes. These items may also …
… judged that the benefit to your child is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … right away if any of these serious side effects occur: high fever (higher than 102 degrees F/39 degrees C) Rarely, a certain …
… medication should not be used to treat sudden, severely high levels of ammonia in the body. Get medical help right … has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … medication should not be used to treat sudden, severely high levels of ammonia in the body. Get medical help right …
… by a health care professional. It is usually given in the thigh or upper arm. Vaccines are usually given in a series of … decide which vaccines are best for your child. Discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with the health care … 48 hours of the injection and lasting longer than 3 hours) high fever (105 degrees F/40 degrees C or higher) little or …
… has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do … Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of high blood sugar such as increased thirst/urination. If you … Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of high blood sugar such as increased thirst/urination. If you …
HealthLinkBC files
… care to babies and young children must be aware of the risks of choking. Babies and young children are at high risk of choking because they: Have less practice controlling …