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Health topics
… page: Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … ovarian cancer. For example, the risk of ovarian cancer is higher for those who have BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene changes than … and vomiting if you have these side effects. Eat healthy food. If you do not feel like eating, try to eat food that …
HealthLinkBC files
… Extreme heat happens when the heat and humidity are much higher than we would expect during a normal summer day. … year) and young children (1-5 years) may be at a higher risk of heat-related illness, especially if they do not have … bottle or cup with a straw as age-appropriate and offer foods with extra fluid content such as fruit and dairy …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk What Happens Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview … on the Diabetes Canada website. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the obesity range. Keep in mind that … Your doctor may also suggest counselling. If you use food to cope with depression, loneliness, anxiety, or …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Children are at higher risk of getting sick from travel to tropical and developing … Breastfeeding is the best way to reduce the risk of foodborne and waterborne illness. You should purify (boil …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools What Increases Your Risk Lowering Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a … doctor and family members to watch you closely if you're at higher risk for postpartum depression. For example, you may … Exercise helps improve mood. Ask for help with preparing food and doing other daily tasks. Family and friends are …
Health topics
… Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview … "street" drugs or who drink alcohol during pregnancy have a higher risk of having a baby with a congenital heart defect. … your child to eat enough. Giving medicines. Preventing illness and infection. Caring for a child in the hospital. …
Health topics
… a substance with lead in it, such as paint, dust, water, or food. Lead can damage almost every organ system. In … reduced lead exposure in Canada, but it is still a health risk, especially for young children. What causes it? Lead … are most likely to be affected by high lead levels. Higher lead levels can be found in: Buildings built before …
HealthLinkBC files
… objects and surfaces contaminated with the virus. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or kissing someone who has the virus can also put you at risk. What are the symptoms? Symptoms may include fever, … not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. *Ibuprofen should not be given to …
Health topics
… your child vomits every time he or she takes a drink, the risk of dehydration is greater. Check Your Symptoms Is your … taken No Temperature taken Is it 38°C (100.4°F) or higher, taken rectally? This would be an axillary … or what looks like coffee grounds in the vomit? Sometimes a food (like yellow squash or green peas) can be the reason …
Health topics
… Also, they want to be with their friends and eat foods that may affect their blood sugar. Having diabetes … make you feel tired and thirsty. If your blood sugar stays higher than your target range for weeks, your body will … blood sugar. This is called hypoglycemia unawareness . Your risk of this is higher if your blood sugar is well …