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4719 results found
Health topics
… helps prevent diseases, such as colds, influenza (flu), and foodborne illness. It's easy. It doesn't cost much. And it … cold and influenza (flu) season. This can reduce your risk of catching or spreading a cold or influenza. Before, …
HealthLinkBC files
… such as hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drinks. It is safe for a person with HCV to breast … tested if you engaged in any behavior that increases the risk for HCV transmission in the last 12 months since your … sex and being tested for sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI) Use condoms and learn about the …
HealthLinkBC files
… radon gas becomes diluted with air and poses little risk. However, radon gas can build up inside homes and other … where people spend 4 or more hours. It’s recommended that higher concentrations be remediated sooner. For more … the province, but some regions are known to have typically higher concentrations. Sampling results from a recent Health …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests … 30s. A larger drop in fertility and increase in miscarriage risk begins around the mid-30s. This is mainly because of … Problems With the Uterus and Cervix What Increases Your Risk Things that increase your risk for infertility include: …
Health topics
… Equipment English | Chinese | French Introducing Solid Foods English | Chinese | French Drinking From a Cup English … central place for parents to record their child’s growth, illnesses, injuries, allergies, hospitalizations and … can help you provide a safe sleep environment to reduce the risk of sleep related death in your child’s infancy. Safer …
… and your specific health needs. Warning Morphine has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and … how to treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose … sudden (breakthrough) pain. Take this drug with or without food as directed by your doctor, usually every 8 hours or 12 …
Health topics
… like these that don't go away, especially if you are at risk for endocarditis. If endocarditis isn't treated soon, … of your heart. What increases your risk? Your risk is higher if you have a problem that affects blood flow through … let bacteria or fungi enter your bloodstream. You have a higher risk of endocarditis if you: Have had endocarditis in …
Health topics
… Along with older adults, these vulnerable adults have a higher risk of being abused by others. Types of abuse These are … (not enough water or fluids). Malnutrition (not enough food). Untreated health problems. Pressure injuries …
… and your specific health needs. Warning Morphine has a risk for abuse and addiction, which can lead to overdose and … how to treat it. The risk for severe breathing problems is higher when you start this medication and after a dose … by your doctor. You may take this drug with or without food. If you have nausea, it may help to take this drug with …
Health topics
… and how it is transmitted vary between types of the illness. The severity and length of infection depends on the … Hepatitis A People can get hepatitis A through exposure to food or water that is contaminated with feces. This illness … Learn more about hepatitis C: Hepatitis C Hepatitis C: Your Risk for Cirrhosis Public Health Agency of Canada: Hepatitis …