562 results found
Health topics
… flexibility and to strengthen the muscles around the hip can also help. Patience and dedication are essential. … Next > slide 2 of 2, Mini squat, Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and 12 inches from a wall. Lean against the … lift your leg straight up away from the floor. Keep your hip and your leg straight in line with the rest of your …
Health topics
… pain. You may hear a snapping sound when you move your hip or leg. Swelling and bruising can happen quickly. But … Overuse may cause: A hairline crack in a bone ( stress fracture ). Bursitis . Osteitis pubis. This is a condition … runners and soccer players are most likely to be affected. Hip problems. Examples include a muscle strain in the groin …
Health topics
… toward the inner knee. Osteotomy may be effective for hip and knee joints. Doctors often do an osteotomy to … (varus) and knock-knee (valgus) deformities of the knees. Hip osteotomy involves removing bone from the upper thigh … toward the inner knee. Osteotomy may be effective for hip and knee joints. Doctors often do an osteotomy to …
Health topics
… such as raised doorway thresholds, throw rugs, and clutter. Repair loose carpet or raised areas in the floor. Move … quickly call for help if you need it. Hip Fracture Osteoporosis Current as of: November 9, …
Health topics
… Remove raised doorway thresholds, throw rugs, and clutter. Repair loose carpet or raised areas in the floor. Move … Dizziness: Light-Headedness and Vertigo Hip Fracture Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Osteoporosis Stroke Vision …
Medical tests
… to see if you have a joint problem or to do surgery that repairs a joint problem. It can also be done to remove a … the knee, shoulder, and ankle. It also can be done on the hip, elbow, and wrist. During arthroscopy , the arthroscope … your own. If you have arthroscopy of your ankle, knee, or hip, your doctor will talk to you about using crutches after …
Health topics
… Surgery is more common on the larger joints, such as the hip and the knee. But if arthritis in the joints of the … comfortably and to walk as normally as possible. Surgery to repair bunions or hammer toes is fairly common. In some … Surgery is more common on the larger joints, such as the hip and the knee. But if arthritis in the joints of the …
Health topics
… is a large sac separating the greater trochanter of the hip and the muscles and tendons of the thighs and buttock. Bursitis can affect many of the bursae around the hip, but trochanteric bursitis is the most common. … with disc disease of the low back or arthritis of the hip. It also may develop at the site of a previous hip …
Health topics
… places for bone spurs include the spine, shoulders, hands, hips, knees, and feet. What causes it? A bone spur forms as the body tries to repair itself by building extra bone. It typically forms in … places for bone spurs include the spine, shoulders, hands, hips, knees, and feet. What causes it? A bone spur forms as …
Health topics
… the outside of your thigh. It connects the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It helps keep your knee and hip stable and in their normal position. You can get this … certain activities over and over that put pressure on your hip or knee. It's a common problem in people who run, bike, …