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562 results found
Health topics
… in a bowlegged appearance. Osteotomy may be effective for hip and knee joints. An osteotomy is often done to try to … (varus) and knock-knee (valgus) deformities of the knees. Hip osteotomy involves removing bone from the upper thigh … in a bowlegged appearance. Osteotomy may be effective for hip and knee joints. An osteotomy is often done to try to …
Health topics
… process. For example, a child with an affected knee and hip in the same leg may have a difficult rehab from total hip replacement if the knee is painful and stiff. Ability to … or walkers during the rehab process following a total hip replacement. How long will the joint replacement last? …
Health topics
… memory. Lower the risk of some cancers. Lower the risk of: Hip and spinal fractures. Falling. Coronary artery disease. Diabetes. … memory. Lower the risk of some cancers. Lower the risk of: Hip and spinal fractures. Falling. Coronary artery disease. …
Health topics
… certain motions. Some feel better sitting (their back and hips are flexed). Others feel better standing (back and hips are extended). Exercise that moves you toward your more … Alternate arm and leg (bird dog) Backward bend Bridging Hip flexor stretch Press-up Relax and rest Exercises to try …
Health topics
… you learn exercises to stretch and strengthen your leg and hip. Your doctor or physiotherapist may also suggest: Taping … to increase strength and flexibility in your leg and hip. Your doctor or a physiotherapist can help you plan an … overuses the knee. Keep the muscles around your knees and hips strong and flexible. Stretch your legs and hips well, …
Health topics
… the ACL. Learning to crouch and bend at the knees and hips when turning may reduce the stress on the ACL. Agility … of the bone to separate from the rest of the bone (avulsion fracture). When any of these occur, the lower leg bone moves … the ACL. Learning to crouch and bend at the knees and hips when turning may reduce the stress on the ACL. Agility …
Health topics
… screen for osteoporosis. If you are at increased risk for fractures caused by osteoporosis, routine screening should … questionnaire. If you have had a bone density test on your hip (femoral neck BMD), you can type in your score. If you … questionnaire. If you have had a bone density test on your hip (femoral neck BMD), you can type in your score. If you …
Health topics
… out bone problems. Your doctor may also check your baby's hips. Some babies who have congenital torticollis also have an abnormal development of the hip ( hip dysplasia ). How is congenital torticollis treated? To …
Health topics
… are "pear-shaped" and store most of their fat around their hips. To find your waist circumference , use a tape measure to measure around your body at the top of your hip bone. This is usually at the level of your belly button. … are "pear-shaped" and store most of their fat around their hips. To find your waist circumference , use a tape measure …
Health topics
… touch. Bursitis is most common in the shoulder , elbow , hip , and knee . It may also occur near the Achilles tendon … good support. Achilles Tendon Problems Hip Problems, Age 12 and Older Knee Problems and Injuries … Bursitis of the Elbow (Olecranon Bursitis) Bursitis of the Hip Bursitis of the knee Retrocalcaneal bursa … Condition …