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… especially of: immune system disorders (such as due to HIV infection, certain cancers such as leukemia/lymphoma, … especially of: immune system disorders (such as due to HIV infection, certain cancers such as leukemia/lymphoma, …
Health topics
… cause mononucleosis (mono). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) , which can cause fatigue, weight loss, fever, night … cause mononucleosis (mono). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) , which can cause fatigue, weight loss, fever, night …
HealthLinkBC files
… risk of certain water-borne diseases include those with: HIV infection who have a CD4+ count of less than 100 …
HealthLinkBC files
… the liver (for example, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B and hepatitis A). If I have hepatitis C, …
Health topics
… If these men also engage in risky sexual behaviour, have HIV , or have a sex partner with syphilis, testing should … If these men also engage in risky sexual behaviour, have HIV , or have a sex partner with syphilis, testing should …
HealthLinkBC files
… File #50d Childhood Vaccines: What is in the Vaccines and Why HealthLinkBC File #50e A Better Immunization Experience … safe (#50c) Childhood vaccines: What is in the vaccines and why (#50d) A better immunization experience for your child …
Health topics
… are the symptoms? Early symptoms of hypothermia include: Shivering. Cold, pale, or blue-grey skin. Lack of interest or … Weakness or sleepiness. Confusion. Loss of consciousness . Shivering, which may stop if body temperature drops below … to quickly help the person get warm. Sometimes a normal, healthy adult has a low body temperature, such as 36°C …
Health topics
… Good nutrition is important for building and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Give your child nutritious foods to maintain healthy gums, develop strong teeth, and avoid tooth decay. … Good nutrition is important for building and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Give your child nutritious foods to …
Health topics
Health topics
… can lead to sudden heart failure . Triggers include eating too much salt, missing a dose of medicine, and … citrate, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). If you are eating at a restaurant, you can sometimes ask for food … your medicines when you are doing other things, such as eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This will make it …