3406 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Why do I need iron? Iron is a mineral that your body uses to … all parts of your body. Babies and children need iron for healthy growth and development, including brain development. … your body You can absorb more non-heme iron from foods by eating them at the same time as foods with heme iron or …
Health topics
… Pain. Scarring. Infection. Pigment changes. Nerve damage. Why might your doctor recommend treatment for warts? Your … them once a week for a couple of months. LaMar, age 45 What matters most to you? Your personal feelings are just as … this decision. Show which way you are leaning right now. Treating my warts NOT treating my warts Leaning toward …
Health topics
… chance that symptoms could get worse after surgery (rare). Why might your doctor recommend surgery? Your doctor may … gives me hope that I can avoid surgery. Kate, age 47 What matters most to you? Your personal feelings are just as … chance that symptoms could get worse after surgery (rare). Why might your doctor recommend surgery? Your doctor may …
Health topics
… and attend support groups to learn as much as you can. Why might your doctor recommend medicines? Your doctor may … and let the disease run its course. Harrietta, age 73 What matters most to you? Your personal feelings are just as … and attend support groups to learn as much as you can. Why might your doctor recommend medicines? Your doctor may …
Health topics
… a radiologist who has done it many times with few problems. Why might your doctor recommend fibroid embolization? Your … pills and ibuprofen have helped a lot. June, age 38 What matters most to you? Your personal feelings are just as … a radiologist who has done it many times with few problems. Why might your doctor recommend fibroid embolization? Your …
Health topics
… Meditation On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview … anxieties from long-term (chronic) conditions such as HIV and cancer. Risks Since meditation usually involves … anxieties from long-term (chronic) conditions such as HIV and cancer. Risks Since meditation usually involves …
Health topics
… substances such as the antioxidants lutein and lycopene. Why take a supplement? The best way to get the vitamins and minerals you need is by eating a wide variety of healthy foods. A supplement can't make up for unhealthy …
HealthLinkBC files
… in the nose or on the skin of approximately 3 out of 10 healthy people. Most people do not know that they are … now make up about 1 in 5 SA infections in the community. Why are MRSA a concern? People with MRSA are not more likely … most important thing you can do is wash your hands before eating, drinking, smoking, applying personal care products, …
Medical tests
… Viral Tests On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels … types of diseases, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), cold sores , chickenpox, measles , influenza (flu), … or HPV). Influenza (flu) . Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) . BK virus . Different types of samples are used for a …
Health topics
… Overview Facts About Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Why Some Young People Use Alcohol and Drugs Is Your Child … transmitted infections , such as herpes, chlamydia, and HIV. Drinking too much alcohol can harm the liver, pancreas, … Identify talents and strengths. These can be used to find healthy interests, hobbies, and jobs. Learn ways to …