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Health topics
… of the procedure? Ask about any fertility medicines, daily blood testing, and egg harvesting. ART treatment can be physically … of the procedure? Ask about any fertility medicines, daily blood testing, and egg harvesting. ART treatment can be …
… changes yellowing eyes/skin signs of extreme changes in blood sugar levels (such as unusual hunger, weakness, … doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: blood disorders/decreased bone marrow function (such as low … eye problems (such as glaucoma, retinal disease) stomach/intestinal blockage problems (such as severe constipation, …
… or pharmacist promptly. This medication may raise your blood pressure. Check your blood pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results … This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (including urine tests for amphetamines), possibly …
Health topics
… Poison Control Centre immediately. Many of the items in our homes can be poisonous to children—household cleaners, … and mothballs. Reduce your child's exposure to lead in your home, drinking water, foods and other items. For more … Use only non-toxic arts and crafts materials. Check your home for lead paint chips if your home was built before …
Health topics
… may be better off in the hands of a trusted friend than at home. Here are some tips that may increase your safety. Keep … places. Take new routes to work and school. Make your home safer. Change the locks (if you're staying in your same home). Call the police if your abusive partner shows up. …
Health topics
… to a level that can no longer be detected with current blood tests. Antiretroviral medicines that are often used to treat … to a level that can no longer be detected with current blood tests. Antiretroviral medicines that are often used to …
Health topics
… school. It may help if your child can take the medicine at home or is allowed to keep the medicine with them at school. … that trigger asthma symptoms, such as going to the homes of friends who have pets. Inviting those friends to your home can help your child interact with other children. But …
Health topics
… an allergic reaction. Cockroaches are a problem in many homes, especially in inner-city areas. Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: Clean often. Pay special attention to carpets, … aren't the first choice for controlling cockroaches in the home. If you must use chemicals to kill cockroaches, be …
Health topics
… a few moments every few hours. You can do this at work, at home, or anywhere. Note how your body feels. Let your mind … symptoms. In some people, MBSR also helped improve blood sugar and blood pressure. footnote 1 , footnote 2 , … a few moments every few hours. You can do this at work, at home, or anywhere. Note how your body feels. Let your mind …
Health topics
… enter the body, as well as in the eyes, bones, heart, or blood. In the past, MRSA infected people who had chronic … MRSA, he or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, or urine to a lab. The lab will grow the bacteria and then test to see which kinds of antibiotics kill the bacteria. …