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… You might start this program after you go home from the hospital. The home program can be one part, or phase, of … of a home program include: Making a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking care of yourself after you leave the hospital. Getting stronger and being more active. Your home …
Health topics
… up counseling or referrals. Help is also available from the hospital social worker, chaplain and nurses. You will need physical and psychological postpartum care in the hospital and in the community. In addition to emotional … engorged breasts and a sore perineum. After you leave the hospital, your healthcare provider, the public health nurse, …
Health topics
… a loved one, or a friend. You may also get support from hospital nurses, a midwife, or a doula (say "DOO-luh"). A … working with a doula, ask your friends, doctor, midwife or hospital for recommendations. How can a doula help during … and encourage you during labour. Track your labour. Remind hospital staff about your wishes and birth preferences. …
Health topics
… whether complications develop. You may need treatment in a hospital if you have: Severe symptoms. TB that is resistant … TB: Do not spend long periods of time in stuffy, enclosed rooms with anyone who has active TB until that person has … whether complications develop. You may need treatment in a hospital if you have: Severe symptoms. TB that is resistant …
Health topics
… of heart failure. It may help keep you out of the hospital and help you live longer. If you get a pacemaker, … to place the pacemaker. Most people spend the night in the hospital, just to make sure that the device is working and … which means you don't need to stay overnight in the hospital. You may be able to see a little bump under the …
Health topics
… removal of a body part. This can be done by a doctor in a hospital setting, such as when a foot must be amputated … amputated body part, if possible, and transport it to the hospital with the injured person. If the part can't be found right away, transport the injured person to the hospital and bring the amputated part to the hospital when …
Health topics
… and feel better. It will also help you avoid being in the hospital. It is hard to make decisions when you are very … attached to your blood vessels. You will probably go to a hospital or dialysis centre on a fairly set schedule. … and feel better. It will also help you avoid being in the hospital. It is hard to make decisions when you are very …
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