1985 results found
… is used to prevent certain fungal infections in patients who have severely weakened immune systems (such as patients who have had chemotherapy). It belongs to a class … works by stopping the growth of fungi. How To Use Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist …
… is used to prevent certain fungal infections in patients who have severely weakened immune systems (such as patients who have had chemotherapy). It belongs to a class … works by stopping the growth of fungi. How To Use Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist …
… care personnel, laboratory workers who handle blood and patient specimens, police, fire and emergency medical … who give first aid treatment, hemophiliacs, dialysis patients, people who live with or spend much time with … of: current illness with fever If you are a hemodialysis patient, you may not respond as well to the vaccine and will …
… and walk around. This medication should only be used in a hospital setting with trained medical care available. You … Storage Not applicable. This medication is given in a hospital or clinic and will not be stored at home. … and walk around. This medication should only be used in a hospital setting with trained medical care available. You …
Medical tests
… for a few seconds while the X-ray picture is taken. Most hospitals and some clinics have portable X-ray machines. If … is done with a portable X-ray machine at your bedside in a hospital, an X-ray technologist and nurse will help you move … for a few seconds while the X-ray picture is taken. Most hospitals and some clinics have portable X-ray machines. If …
Health topics
… What To Expect Arthroscopic surgery is often done on an outpatient basis. This means that you don't spend a night in the hospital. Other surgery may require staying in the hospital for a couple of days. You will feel tired for …
Health topics
… is blocking urine flow. TURP usually requires a stay in the hospital. It is done using a general or spinal anesthetic . What To Expect After Surgery The hospital stay after TURP is commonly 1 to 2 days. Following … is blocking urine flow. TURP usually requires a stay in the hospital. It is done using a general or spinal anesthetic . …
HealthLinkBC files
… rotavirus disease, and almost all severe cases, including hospitalizations. When you get your child immunized you help … flu. Rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrhea and hospitalization for diarrhea in children under 5 years of …
Health topics
… building up around the surgery sites. You will stay in the hospital about 5 days so your doctor can be sure there is … may show you exercises while you are still in the hospital. These can help keep your shoulder from getting … building up around the surgery sites. You will stay in the hospital about 5 days so your doctor can be sure there is …
Health topics
… better after surgery takes time. Most women are in the hospital 1 or 2 days after the surgery. Some women stay in the hospital up to 4 days. When you get home, make sure you move … better after surgery takes time. Most women are in the hospital 1 or 2 days after the surgery. Some women stay in …