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HealthLinkBC files
… may increase the rate of miscarriage but has not been shown to cause birth defects. Is there a mumps vaccine? There … #14e Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine . How is mumps spread? Mumps is very contagious and spreads … to the virus. Check your immunization record to see how many doses of mumps vaccine you have received.If you …
Health features
… virus? Should pregnant women be concerned about Zika virus? How can I protect myself and my family? Are there tests for … or see HealthLinkBC File #41g The Pregnant Traveller . How can I protect myself and my family? Anyone travelling to … Canada The Government of Canada website provides health and safety information for Canadians and health professionals. …
Health topics
… this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … of breath for some people. But there are no studies that show any long-term benefits from using oxygen during … But oxygen is a fire hazard, so make sure to follow safety rules. Do not smoke or vape or let others smoke or …
Health topics
… as well as a relapse. You will also find tips for deciding how soon you will want to try again. This information also … or relapse, and plan ahead to cope with those situations. How can you deal with and avoid slips and relapse? Certain … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Actionset Overview A slip is …
Health topics
… lag can happen to anyone. Your age, fitness, health, and how often you fly don't make a difference in whether you get … pills may help too. But both of these also have downsides. How can you deal with jet lag? You can't cure jet lag, but … a few days before you fly if you will be flying east. The safety and effectiveness of melatonin have not been …
Health topics
… part of your health and can help you avoid other problems. How can you avoid exposure to outdoor allergens? Pollens The … pollen back into your home when you go outdoors. Take a shower and change clothing after you work or play outside. … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Actionset Overview When you …
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… smells, and asking your doctor about medicines you can try. How can you manage morning sickness? If you have morning … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Actionset Overview Morning … smells, and asking your doctor about medicines you can try. How can you manage morning sickness? If you have morning …
Health topics
… sound and appear worse than they really are. Use moisture. How can you help manage your child's croup episode? A croup … a puzzle, or watching television. Try running a hot shower to create steam. Do NOT put your child in the hot shower. Let the bathroom fill with steam. Have your child …
Health topics
… Your doctor might suggest that you take medicine too. How can you make changes? You might have to make a few … it. Try a vegetarian meal each week. You'll be surprised at how delicious and filling a meal without meat can be. Switch … For some people, some forms of physical activity might be unsafe or should only be started after talking with a doctor. …
Health topics
… or mismatched blood that are linked to blood transfusion. How likely are you to have a reaction to a blood … type during your surgery but not the blood you banked. How likely are you to get a disease from a blood … bank enough blood for your surgery. Most people are able to safely bank 2 to 4 units of blood before surgery. If you are …