6256 results found
Health topics
… or mistaken for another illness, like influenza (flu). How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask about past health … do a physical examination. Blood tests are done to measure how much sugar is in the blood. The doctor will use those … When You Have Diabetes Quitting Smoking Tips for Exercising Safely When You Have Diabetes Medicines Insulin helps keep …
Health topics
… heart rhythm that could cause sudden death. Tests can show if you are at risk. An ICD does not treat heart failure. … the device. Other problems can happen over time. FAQs How can heart failure affect heart rhythm? When you have … don't drive for a short time. You'll need to take steps to safely use electric devices. Some electric devices have a …
Health topics
… out a new medicine to see whether it will work. Find out how your provincial health plan or private health insurance … amount the plan will pay in a year, and other details. Choose the plan that best suits your needs. When you buy … Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) site at https://safe.pharmacy/buy-safely to see a complete list of websites. …
Health topics
… hand) may be signs of a heart attack . Diabetes may change how the hands normally feel or sense touch. Decreased … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… better understand hip injuries, it may be helpful to know how the hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … someone else to drive them. But based on your answers, the safest and quickest way for you to get the care you need is …
Health topics
… some tests to see if your child is having trouble learning how to read, write, or do math problems. There is no cure … (Intuniv). Sometimes antidepressants are also recommended. How well do these medicines work? Stimulant medicines are … when used for only a short time, medicines for ADHD are safe and can help improve your child's behaviour and quality …
Health topics
… the elbow normally. Yes Elbow problem No Elbow problem How old are you? Less than 5 years Less than 5 years 5 years … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … be concerned about the cost. But based on your answers, the safest and quickest way for you to get the care you need is …
Healthy eating
… gum and avoid carbonated beverages. Drink plenty of fluids. Choose water as your main fluid. Aim for about 1.5-3 L of … information, see the following resources: Food Journaling: How to Keep Track of What You Eat … al-activity/food-and-nutrition/eating-habits/food-journaling-how-keep-track HealthLink BC www.healthlinkbc.ca – Get …
Health topics
… passing fewer stools. Some people are overly concerned with how often they have bowel movements. That's because they've … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… problems. Treatment The treatment of heartburn depends on how bad your heartburn is and what other symptoms you have. … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …