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Health topics
… loss that starts suddenly or that clearly interferes with how well you can function in daily life may be a sign of a … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… about your medicines, diet restrictions, wound care, and showering or bathing. You'll also learn when you can get back … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … ibuprofen, and naproxen. Ask your doctor which OTCs are safe for you to use. Your doctor may prescribe other pain …
Health topics
… or medical problems, such as anemia , that interfere with how well the body can absorb certain vitamins. Teething in … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … someone else to drive them. But based on your answers, the safest and quickest way for you to get the care you need is …
Health topics
… with active TB, it is easy to spread the disease to others. How is TB spread to others? Pulmonary TB (in the lungs) is … Shortness of breath and chest pain (in rare cases). How is TB diagnosed? Doctors usually find latent TB by doing … certified by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). If you live with someone who has …
Health topics
… And you can try pelvic floor physiotherapy. If you choose, your doctor can fit you with a device called a … surgery. Pelvic organ prolapse can come back after surgery. How well surgery works depends on the type of surgery. But … have five grown children and 12 grandchildren. I'm proud of how fit and active I am. My biggest problem is that often I …
Health topics
… Quitting Smoking: Helping Someone Quit Interactive Tool: How Does Smoking Affect Your Lifespan? Quitting Smoking: … Tool: Are You Ready to Quit Smoking? Interactive Tool: How Does Smoking Affect Your Lifespan? Interactive Tool: How Much Is Smoking Costing You? John's Story: Crossing the …
Health topics
… activities or events can trigger the urge to smoke. Knowing how to manage them can help you prevent a slip or relapse. Here are some common triggers and ideas for how you might cope with them. Finishing a meal. Get up from … had a drink, your decision not to smoke may weaken. You may choose to give up or cut down on drinking alcohol when you …
Health topics
… specific needs. It lets teachers and staff members know how they can help your child. The plan should be reviewed … help during class if they need help to sit still or focus. Choose a small class size. A small class size may help … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Even with treatment, …
Health topics
… better understand hip problems, it may be helpful to know how the hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … do not need to call an ambulance unless: You cannot travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else …
Health topics
… is only a symptom, not a disease. Often, you can't tell how serious the problem is until you also look at your … body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, … not have a fever. If you don't know the temperature, it's safest to assume the baby has a fever and needs to be seen …