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Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview How does your weight affect your pregnancy? Most pregnant … Don't cut out foods or go on any type of weight-loss diet. How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? Experts … milk with a peanut butter sandwich is about 450 calories. How much can you eat during pregnancy? How much you can eat …
Health topics
… of iron toxicity is accidental overdose of iron pills. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to … is taking iron pills, follow your doctor's instructions on how much to take and for how long and whether your child needs any testing for iron …
Health topics
… for what your child eats. Your child is responsible for how much and how often he or she eats. (Infants are fed on demand.) When … with those internal cues. Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years Health and Safety, Birth to 2 …
Health topics
… Overview You may express gender in a way that differs from how you feel on the inside. This expression includes the … to as masculine, feminine or androgynous. You may change how you express yourself depending on the situation you are … queer, asexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay or something else. How stress can affect your health For many reasons, LGBTQ2S+ …
Health topics
… silicone menstrual cup can be used for up to 5 years. How do you use a menstrual cup? Depending on the brand, … your vagina. Follow the directions on the package for how to insert your cup. Wash your hands with soap and water. … A menstrual cup sits lower in the vagina than a tampon. How do you remove a menstrual cup? Follow the directions on …
Health topics
… long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to reduce how often you have them, how bad they are, and how long they last. What causes them? Experts aren't sure …
Health topics
… test or treatment, like a surgery. You are not clear about how well a test or treatment may work. You need more … about your options. You are unsure about a diagnosis. How do you get a second opinion? To get a second opinion, … doctor is not closely connected with. Explain that this is how you like to make big medical decisions. Don't worry …
Health topics
… child is born. But even if the cleft palate doesn't affect how the baby's face looks, it can usually be seen inside the mouth. The location of the cleft matters more than how it looks. A small cleft in the soft palate may cause … But this doesn't always last, especially with treatment. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose a cleft palate by …
Health topics
… a cleft lip and a cleft palate may have feeding problems. How is it diagnosed? Cleft lip is usually diagnosed at … so doctors can't always rely on it to diagnose a cleft lip. How is cleft lip treated? Surgery can fix a cleft lip. … the timing of the surgery depends on a few things, such as how severe the split is and the health of the baby. As your …
Health topics
… Necrotizing fasciitis can lead to organ failure and death. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will diagnose your infection based on how suddenly your symptoms started and how quickly the infection is spreading. The infected tissue …