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Health topics
… in children and teens? Blood pressure is a measure of how hard the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries … over 57." The first number is the systolic pressure. It shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. The …
Health topics
… the cause of these irregularities. But current research shows they may be inherited. What are the symptoms? Children … when touched. Refuse to eat certain foods because of how the foods feel when chewed. Be oversensitive to odours. … manner over and over or prefer only to watch TV or videos. How is it diagnosed? Experts recommend that children who …
Health topics
… to do, and they agree clearly, without being pressured. How can you teach older children and teens about consent? As … about consent early can help make sure they understand how to set their own boundaries. And it helps them know how … look like. And that can help them avoid unhealthy or unsafe situations in the future. Current as of: …
Health topics
… trouble staying alert when you are supposed to be awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will use a sleep journal … be asked questions about your work hours, when you sleep, how much you sleep, and how you feel when you wake up. Your doctor also will ask if …
Health topics
… Severe lack of sodium may lead to seizures or a coma. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose hyponatremia, your doctor … a blood test to check on the sodium levels in your blood. How is hyponatremia treated? Your doctor may treat the … salt to your diet or drink electrolyte replacement drinks. How can you prevent it? Follow your doctor's directions for …
Health topics
… growths or lumps in the thyroid gland . This gland controls how your body uses energy. Most thyroid nodules are not … symptoms of hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone). How are they diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you have a … will ask you if you have symptoms or about any changes in how you've been feeling. You may have tests to see how well …
Health topics
… . The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This condition comes on … affected side of your face. Increased sensitivity to sound. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose Bell's palsy by asking you questions, such as how your symptoms developed. You'll also be given a physical …
Health topics
… ). How are the viruses spread? How a human first got one of these viruses is not known. … to the virus. But most people see symptoms in 8 to 10 days. How is an Ebola or Marburg virus infection treated? There is …
Health topics
… parents to children. Some studies have found problems with how the brain links letters and words with the sounds they … of dyslexia may mean that your child should be tested. How is it diagnosed? No single test can diagnose dyslexia. A … problem-solving skills. This can help check for dyslexia. How is dyslexia treated? Treatment involves teaching methods …
Health topics
… often than usual, or a change in the way your stool looks. How are they diagnosed? Most colon polyps are found during … had any polyps, routine follow-up testing is important. How often you need it will depend on what kind of polyps were found, how many, and other issues. How are they treated? Doctors …