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Health topics
… time after a head injury—even much later—call your doctor. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask you questions about … brain for bruising or bleeding. You may need other tests. How is a TBI treated? If your brain has been injured, you … trauma of the injury. You may have fears about a loss of safety and control in your life. You may pull away from …
Health topics
… normal parts of life, such as aging and major life events. How it's done A trained counsellor will talk with you. … could be causing problems with your sex life. Teach you how to talk openly about your sexual needs. Offer tips to … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Sex therapy involves …
Health topics
… on the skin. Itching or burning. Irritation or tenderness. How is it diagnosed? A yeast skin infection can often be diagnosed based on how it looks and feels. Sometimes a KOH test or culture is … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn How this information was developed . … What …
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… people react to schizophrenia can make a difference in how schizophrenia affects you. It can make it easier or … that these experiences aren't real but are a problem with how their brains work. Some people with schizophrenia have … are things that are "lost" from your personality or how you experience life. You may: Not care about things. …
Health topics
… as osteoporosis . Bone density is a measurement of how dense and strong the bones are. If your bone density is … breaking a bone increases as the bone becomes less dense. How is it diagnosed? Low bone density is diagnosed with a … you have not had that test, you can leave the score blank. How is low bone density treated? Low bone density is treated …
Health topics
… The pain may come and go. It may get worse with activity. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … at the knee and check for tenderness, range of motion , and how stable the knee is. The doctor may check both knees even … but they may be done to rule out other causes of knee pain. How is Osgood-Schlatter disease treated? Osgood-Schlatter …
Health topics
… and less flexibility in your wrists, hands, and ankles. How is lymphedema treated? Treatment focuses on draining … swelling. And using sunscreen can help protect your skin. How can you care for yourself? Lymphedema may develop if you … an affected limb before you exercise. Ask your doctor how to use a bandage for this purpose. And ask what …
Health topics
… types of leukemia. In general, leukemia is grouped by how fast it gets worse and what kind of white blood cell it … What are the symptoms? Symptoms of acute leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown. They may include: A new lump … And when symptoms appear, they usually appear gradually. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask about your past …
Health topics
… eyes to focus on objects at varying distances. Depending on how far away an object is, a muscle surrounding the lens in … fatigued. Presbyopia can also cause headaches or eyestrain. How is it diagnosed? Presbyopia can often be diagnosed with … will test your visual acuity (sharpness of vision) and how your eyes change focus from near to far. They'll also …
Health topics
… Some people with partial tears may not have any symptoms. How are these problems diagnosed? To diagnose Achilles … The examination includes checking for tenderness, watching how you walk and stand, and comparing the range of motion of … tendon tear. An MRI is also used to evaluate the heel bone. How are Achilles tendon problems treated? Treatment for mild …