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Health topics
… bones of the spine (vertebrae) may damage the spinal cord. Often this is the result of a car crash, fall, gunshot, or … stenosis , or by a birth defect such as spina bifida . How is it diagnosed? A computed tomography scan (CT scan) … Canada? Does your rehab plan have both short- and long-term goals? Does your centre encourage family members …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Transurethral … the urethra to help prevent blockage of the urethra. It's often removed before you go home. If not, you'll get instructions on how to care for the catheter. You may feel the need to …
Health topics
… blood sugar over time can help you and your doctor know how well your treatment is working and whether you need to … at all. Other people—such as people who use insulin—test it often. Talk to your doctor or diabetes educator about testing your blood sugar. Together you can decide how often and when you should check your numbers. How to …
HealthLinkBC files
… against hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis B vaccine provides long lasting protection by helping your body make its own … to prevent infection with hepatitis C. Blood tests will show if you were exposed to hepatitis C or have acquired the … needles and syringes, straws and pipes Women who are breastfeeding and have been exposed to blood or body fluids should …
Health topics
… reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies mites spread from person to … sharing towels, clothing, and other personal items. Scabies often affects several household members at the same time. … lasts another 2 to 4 weeks. It will take your body that long to get over the allergic reaction caused by the mites. …
Health topics
… eating habits. Figuring out what those barriers are and how you can get around them can help you reach your healthy … Slip-ups are normal. Expect them, and have a plan for how to get back on track. How do you overcome barriers to … to change how I eat." Not believing you can do something is often really just a fear of failure. People put off making …
Health topics
… spread quickly to other parts of the body. Most melanomas show up as a new spot or skin growth. But they can also form … It may be black, brown, or more than one colour. Less often, melanoma begins in other places, such as the eye or … clothes, such as a hat that shades your face, a long-sleeved shirt, and long pants. Use sunscreen every day. …
Health topics
… and improve blood flow. Drug-eluting stents are used more often than bare-metal stents. To decide which type of stent … want to take blood-thinning medicines for at least 1 year. How stents are placed in an artery A stent is placed in a … medicines. You can work with your doctor to decide how long you will take both of these medicines. This decision …
Health topics
… to the rest of your body. Anemia is fairly common. It's often easily treated. Sometimes, though, it's serious. What … baby. So anemia during pregnancy is common. Sometimes a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red … short of breath. It may be hard to focus and think clearly. How is it diagnosed? A blood test , sometimes done as part …
Health topics
… It may help keep you out of the hospital and help you live longer. If you get a pacemaker, you still need to take … was placed. Or the pacemaker or leads might not work. FAQs How does the pacemaker work? When you have heart failure, … shape of your heart. In heart failure, the left ventricle often gets too big as it tries to make up for not pumping …