6249 results found
Health topics
… and problems with the placenta, uterus, or cervix. Often a combination of several factors is responsible. … even after you've had a glass of water and are resting. How is it diagnosed? If you have symptoms of preterm labour, … will check the baby's heartbeat and do an ultrasound to see how your baby is doing. How is preterm labour treated? …
Health topics
… are different kinds. For example, common warts grow most often on the hands, but they can grow anywhere. Plantar … Most warts go away on their own within months or years. How do they spread? Warts are spread by direct contact with … as on a finger or the bottom of the foot, can be painful. How are they diagnosed? A doctor usually can tell if a skin …
Health topics
… a pacifier for the thumb. So far, research does not show that one is preferable over the other. Also, although … it and being able to take the pacifier away when it is no longer appropriate. But a young child who uses a pacifier … of thumb-sucking is that it may not interfere with breastfeeding . And children usually stop on their own between the …
Health topics
… cycle, dehydration, alcohol, exercise, and standing for a long time. When you first notice symptoms, lying down may help you feel better. How is it diagnosed? To learn what is causing your symptoms, … doctor may: Ask about your symptoms, including when and how they started. Check how your blood pressure and heart …
Health topics
… people may find it hard to walk or sit because of the pain. How is it diagnosed? A physical examination of the buttocks … heal or your doctor thinks there may be another problem. How is it treated? For a pilonidal cyst that isn't causing … the area dry and clean. Try not to sit on hard surfaces for long periods of time. Keeping the area free of hair may also …
Health topics
… 2 weeks after you've had influenza (flu) or a cold. It is often severe enough to make you vomit or make you feel sick … goes away over a few days to weeks. But for a month or longer, you may still get vertigo symptoms that come and go. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can tell if you have …
Health topics
… Common breastfeeding positions Last updated August 11, 2013 Download PDF: … baby's head will be resting on your forearm and his back along your arm. Use pillows to lift your baby up to the level of your nipple. This positon is often most useful for an older baby who is breastfeeding …
Health topics
… the name of the surgical procedure? Why do I need surgery? How soon should surgery take place? What might happen if I … anesthesia will be used (general, local, or regional)? How long will the procedure take? How successful is this … have with this procedure? Has the procedure been done often in this hospital or surgery centre? Yes ___ No___ What …
Health topics
… in the breast or underarm. But early breast cancer is often found on a mammogram before a lump can be felt. The … Or the nipple may turn in, look scaly, or leak fluid. How is it diagnosed? Depending on your age and risk factors, … seems to be greatest in those who have breastfed for longer than 12 months or who breastfed several children. …
Health topics
… physical examination, if you have the right connection. How does it work? Your provincial health plan or your doctor's office can tell you how to set up a virtual care visit. You may want to choose a … has a sore throat. It also works well for managing some long-term health problems. And if you live far from a …