6251 results found
Health topics
… and dry, so the wind easily picks them up and carries them, often for long distances. Flowers also make pollen, which is spread by … in carpeting, bedding, furniture, or stuffed animals. How clean your home is has nothing to do with whether you …
Health topics
… names for heroin are smack, junk, H, and ska. Heroin is often used along with other drugs, especially cocaine and alcohol. Some … is called a rush. The intensity of the rush depends on how much was taken and how rapidly the drug entered the …
Health topics
… veins at the end of the large intestine ( anus ). They often stick out from the anus (external hemorrhoids). They … itching. Apply ice pack compresses. Avoid sitting for long periods, especially on hard chairs. Keep your health … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Hemorrhoids are …
Health topics
… remember CVS is done in the first trimester. If the test shows a serious health problem, you have more time to decide … Others choose to have CVS in their first trimester. If it shows a serious problem, they have more time to make … into the placenta. This is called transcervical CVS. Put a long, thin needle through your belly into the placenta. This …
Health topics
… better understand hip problems, it may be helpful to know how the hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in … (congenital). Oddly enough, a person who has a hip problem often feels pain in the knee or thigh instead of the hip. … have pelvic, groin, thigh, or knee pain (referred pain) along with a sore, painful, or tender hip. Hip pain can have …
Health topics
… activities and sports. At around five years, children are often keen to help with physically engaging household tasks … play. So a bit of street hockey or backyard soccer can go a long way, for example. School-age children might still need … for health and wellbeing. It’s also an important part of how children learn and develop physical, social and thinking …
Health topics
… to become pregnant. Fertility Problems: Should I Be Tested? How do infertility tests feel? Some tests, such as a semen … you have infertility tests, talk with your partner about how much testing you want to do. Sometimes you may not find … infertility problems can be treated. Infertility in men is often less successfully treated than infertility in women. …
Health topics
… soy products. Choose the types that come from plants more often than the types that don't. Choose foods that have less … what is in the food and drinks you buy, and learning about how they're marketed and sold, can help you be wise when … I'm busy?" "Do I eat more than I need to when I wait too long to eat?" "Is it harder for me to make healthy choices …
Health topics
… (FAP) and Lynch syndrome. In these conditions, screening often starts sooner than age 40. Your doctor may suggest … take action that may help you and your family members live longer. This includes starting screening at a younger age … and what you may be able to do to manage it. Understand how your family history contributes to the development of a …
Health topics
… some people. For others, treatment may allow them to live longer than without treatment. What causes it? The cause of … skin or reddened patches of skin can also be symptoms. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose NHL, you will get an … Meditation or yoga to relieve stress. Massage and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to …