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Health topics
… over time. With smaller goals, you'll have success more often, which will help you stay with it. For example, your … It's perfectly normal to try to change a habit, go along fine for a while, and then have a setback. Lots of … thinking about these barriers now, you can plan ahead for how to deal with them if they happen. There will be times …
Health features
… post-exposure prophylaxis for hepatitis C virus (HCV); however, chronic HCV infection may be prevented or cured … Management. Voluntary testing Expand all Collapse all How does someone get tested voluntarily for Hepatitis B, … in British Columbia. What documents do I have to file along with the application? The exposed individual can only …
Health topics
… most likely to experience falls and fall related injures; however, anyone can fall. In British Columbia, 1 in 3 older … bones. It's normal to feel embarrassed after having a fall. However, discussing the circumstances of your slip or trip … or pharmacist review your medications each year, or more often as needed. Learn more about high-risk medications and …
Health topics
… are walking uphill or downhill are all things that affect how far you can walk before you feel pain. If you have … blockage and poor circulation, you will find walking long distances to be a greater challenge. The average person … is not started, tissue death can happen. The pain is often noticed at night and is relieved by hanging the leg …
Health topics
… The second trimester tends to feel more normal. This is often a period of improved daytime energy and less need for … to go to the bathroom. Let yourself nap, but not for too long. If you keep naps short, they're less likely to affect how well you sleep at night. Do something relaxing before …
Health topics
… earlier than their matching upper teeth. Girls' teeth often erupt sooner than boys' teeth. Your child may be … if your child has other symptoms that become severe or last longer than a couple of days. Also, talk to your doctor … the first dental examination. If you have concerns about how your child will behave, talk to your dentist before …
Health topics
… Symptoms Overview Minor arm injuries are common. Symptoms often are caused by everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an … fingers are injured most often. An injury to the end of a long bone near a joint may harm the growth plate. It needs … Treatment depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. When the injury occurred. Your age, health …
Health topics
… nausea, and vomiting. Some people have no symptoms. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … the inside of your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. How are peptic ulcers treated? To treat peptic ulcers, most … are used to protect the stomach from damage caused by often using aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory …
Health topics
… you take, you may have to get regular blood tests and watch how much vitamin K you eat or drink. If you have a low risk … clots. Blood clots can lead to stroke. These medicines are often called blood thinners, but they don't actually thin … edoxaban (Lixiana), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), and warfarin. How can medicine help if you have atrial fibrillation? …
Health topics
… spot problems early. And it can help you feel better about how your child is doing. Talk with your doctor about any … rapid growth that precedes the first menstrual period. Boys often continue to grow taller and gain weight. The growth … limits for your teen. Talk about the immediate and long-lasting results of substance use, such as falling …