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6251 results found
Health topics
… throughout the day or overnight. A doctor will prescribe how much oxygen you need and how often to use it. To breathe the oxygen, most people use a … In most cases, there are no risks from oxygen therapy as long as you follow your doctor's instructions. But oxygen is …
Health topics
… and prevent symptoms from coming back ( relapse ). Along the way, be sure to take care of yourself too. It can … your loved one's doctor, therapist, or counsellor about how things are going. Keep your emotions in check. Too much … stress. Allow yourself time to grieve. Since schizophrenia often develops during the late teen and young adult years, …
Health topics
… that increase your risk, such as high blood pressure. FAQs How might aspirin prevent a heart attack or stroke? A heart attack most often happens because blood flow through one or more of the … include an allergic reaction, stomach pain, and nausea. How can you decide if taking aspirin is right for you? Your …
Health topics
… had low blood sugar many times. Have had diabetes for a long time. If you have hypoglycemic unawareness, test your blood sugar often, especially before activities like driving a car. Keep … like hard candy with you. Teach your friends and family how to treat low blood sugar. And if you take insulin, …
Health topics
… spread easily in the late fall and winter. Wash your hands often to protect yourself from catching and spreading a cold … 11 and Younger Coughs, Age 12 and Older COVID-19 or Flu? How to Tell COVID-19: Advice if You're Planning a Pregnancy, … Flu Influenza (Flu) Complications Influenza (Seasonal Flu) Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Making It Easier to Wear a …
Health topics
… some encouragement to eat regularly. Try to offer food more often, including snacks throughout the day. Ask what foods … and plates that won't slip. And if preparing to eat takes a long time, be sure to keep the food at a preferred … meal When you help someone eat, it helps to let them know how you plan to help throughout the meal. If the person has …
Health topics
… later, he's still thriving. He learned how to cope with heart disease the hard way. Alan had always … life. And if you don't, you're asking for trouble." Alan no longer drinks alcohol or eats red meat. His daily meals include fruit and vegetables. Fish is often on the menu at home. The portions are a little smaller …
Health topics
… 6 months, you can slowly start to introduce solid foods along with breast milk or formula. footnote 1 , footnote 2 … solid foods to your baby There are many ways you can start feeding your baby solid foods. Finding what works for you … start giving your baby their first solid foods. Think about how you'll feed your baby. You can give your baby food that …
Health topics
… overuse, or an injury. Finger, hand, or wrist injuries most often occur during: Sports or recreational activities. … play or from falls. Any injury that occurs at the end of a long bone near a joint may injure the growth plate (physis). … Treatment depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. How long ago the injury occurred. Your age, …
Health topics
… Summary Get the facts Your options Have surgery to treat long-term (chronic) sinusitis. Don't have surgery. Take … surgery: Endoscopic surgery is the type that is done most often. The doctor puts a thin, lighted tool called an … see what could be causing your infections. The CT scan shows that something, such as nasal polyps , is keeping your …