6214 results found
Health topics
… person. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of heart failure start to happen when your heart can't pump enough blood to … when you lie down. Feel bloated or sick to your stomach. How can you prevent sudden heart failure? When you have … schedules the same every day. Limit sodium. Be aware of how much sodium you are consuming. Your doctor can tell you …
Health topics
… your child's stool for weeks after the symptoms are gone. How is it spread? The virus spreads through contact with the … 1 to 3 days for a child who is exposed to the virus to start having symptoms. Vomiting is often the first symptom. … and to watch him or her closely for signs of dehydration. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will probably diagnose your …
Health topics
… as people get older. What are the symptoms? Symptoms often start suddenly and get worse without treatment. The most … Weight loss. Swelling in the knees, wrists, or ankles. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical … sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. These tests can show if you have inflammation in your body. Complete blood …
Health topics
… eye. Amblyopia usually affects only one eye. The problem starts between birth and about age 7. Your child may not … to look at something. Have an upper eyelid that droops. How is it diagnosed? Your child's doctor will do an eye examination. If the examination shows that your child has poor vision in one eye, the doctor …
Health topics
… reproduce under the skin, causing more bumps and itching. How does it spread? Scabies mites spread from person to … But if you have had it before, symptoms will probably start in a few days. How is it diagnosed? Usually a doctor can diagnose scabies …
Health topics
… cramping that isn't caused by a medical problem. It often starts during the teen years, when periods first start. But … back, and thighs. Yes Menstrual cramps No Menstrual cramps How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … or genital pain No Lower abdominal, pelvic, or genital pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no pain …
Health topics
… Having your baby skin-to-skin with you is the ideal way to start. It helps your baby find the breast and nipple. Some … place a finger in the corner of your baby's mouth. Here's how to tell if your baby is well latched: Image The initial … The nipple does not have any cracks, blisters, or bleeding. How to Get a Good Latch Remove any blankets. Blankets make …
Health topics
… nodes. Extreme tiredness. Weight loss. Fever. Night sweats. How is HIV diagnosed? A doctor may suspect HIV if symptoms … in urine, saliva, or blood. If a test on urine or saliva shows that you are infected with HIV, you will probably have … shows how well your immune system is working After you start treatment, it's important to take your medicines …
Health topics
… But you also can practice healthy thinking on your own. How does CBT help you think in a healthy way? CBT involves … to watch for negative thinking. You can ask yourself how true or helpful your thoughts were. "What did my boss … or feel that your mood is getting worse. How can you get started doing CBT on your own? Learn to stop discouraging …
Health topics
… used by trans-masculine or non-binary parents to describe how they feed their baby from their bodies. Both … your toddler: Plan ahead: Choose a non stressful time to start. Beginning to wean your toddler on your first day of … on your time and energy when you stop breastfeeding. However, this most likely won't be the case. Your toddler …