6214 results found
Health topics
… bottom of the foot ( plantar fascia ) becomes strained and starts to get small tears. These can cause the ligament to … your ability to work and enjoy exercise or play sports. How is it treated? Non-surgical treatment for plantar … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
Health topics
… hold stress in your body, it can affect your back. You may start to tense your back muscles, which can lead to back … you worry more … which makes your back worse … and so on. How can you reduce stress? Stress is a part of life. But it … Get support. Everyone needs help sometimes. Ask others how they find support. You might also want to see a …
Health topics
… can lead to trouble with swallowing, speech, and vision. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … a neurological examination. This examination checks to see how well your nerves are working. There are no blood tests … disease can't be cured. You may decide to wait to start medicines if your symptoms aren't bothering you. You …
Health topics
… ( www.cdc.gov/zika ). Your doctor or local health unit. How is it spread? Zika is most often spread through a bite … any symptoms. Symptoms are usually mild. They most often start within a week after the bite. The main symptoms may … Red eyes. Some people also have a headache and muscle pain. How is Zika virus treated? There is no treatment for Zika …
Health topics
… for energy. When the body can't use sugar for energy, it starts to use fat for energy. This process makes fatty acids … Anyone who has these symptoms needs emergency treatment. How is diabetic ketoacidosis treated? If the symptoms of … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … What is …
Health topics
… If you suddenly stop breastfeeding. When your baby suddenly starts breastfeeding less than usual. This may happen when … mastitis . Mastitis needs to be treated with antibiotics. How can you care for yourself? If engorgement is making it … label. Wear a bra that fits well and provides good support. How can you prevent breast engorgement? You may be able to …
Health topics
… pain, the need to urinate often, or burning when urinating. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose a UTI, your doctor will … child may need more testing to find the cause of the UTI. How is a UTI treated? Treatment for most children with a UTI … if your child isn't feeling better within 48 hours after starting an antibiotic . Watchful waiting Watchful waiting …
Health topics
… the virus from 7 days before to 9 days after symptoms start. You are most likely to spread the virus 1 to 2 days … or severe belly pain, call your doctor right away. How is it diagnosed? Mumps is usually diagnosed based on … as much as you can so that you don't spread the disease. How is mumps treated? In most cases, people recover from …
Health topics
… It's a type of shaking that you can't control. It may start in the hand or fingers. The shaking may increase or … It happens when trying to use the affected body part. How is it diagnosed? There is no one test to diagnose … tremor. Your doctor may ask about your family history and how long you've had the shaking. Your doctor will watch how …
Health topics
… and attaches to the lining of your uterus. You may start noticing signs as early as 5 weeks. You may start to … can take a pregnancy test with accurate results depends on how far into your pregnancy you are. And it depends on which … tests detect low levels of hCG in your body. They may show a positive result early during pregnancy, when a home …