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6214 results found
Health topics
… white part of the eyes will look yellow. The yellow colour shows up first in the baby's face and chest, usually 1 to 5 … a doctor right away if your baby has any of these symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your baby's doctor will do a physical … health problem is causing too much bilirubin in the blood. How is jaundice in newborns treated? Your baby will need …
Health topics
… over a long period of time. Develop emphysema, and X-rays show less density in the lungs than normal (basilar … 20 pack years. (To figure out your pack years, multiply how many packs a day on average [assuming 20 cigarettes per pack] you have smoked by how many years you have smoked.) How is alpha-1 antitrypsin …
Health topics
… loss of side (peripheral) vision that gets worse over time. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose retinal detachment, your … waves to form an image of the retina on a computer screen. How is retinal detachment treated? Surgery is the only way … a few hours or days. This condition needs care right away. How soon you need surgery usually depends on if the retinal …
Health topics
… weeks. But some people have a cough for more than 4 weeks. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your … disease (such as asthma or COPD ) or other health problems. How is acute bronchitis treated? Most people can treat … or repeated cases of acute bronchitis caused by bacteria. How can you care for yourself at home? When you have acute …
Healthy eating
… enough protein in your diet. Steps you can take 1. Find out how much protein you need Most adults over 19 years of age … the amount of protein that’s right for you. 2. Find out how much protein you eat To estimate the amount of protein … keep a food record for one or two days. Record what and how much you eat and drink. Then, add up the protein in your …
Health topics
… birth control pills, diuretics, and steroids. How are muscle cramps treated? If cramps keep coming back, … of another problem, such as restless legs syndrome. How can you care for yourself? You may need to try several … you can try: Stretch and massage the muscle. Take a warm shower or bath to relax the muscle. A heating pad placed on …
Health topics
… look. But most cases of rosacea don't progress this far. How is it diagnosed? The pattern of redness on a person's … And most of the time medical tests are not needed or used. How is rosacea treated? Doctors can prescribe medicines and … on the nose or face can be treated with cosmetic surgery. How can you care for yourself? There are some things you can …
Health topics
… it's okay. Most splints can be adjusted. Your doctor will show you how to do this and will tell you when you might need to … Air pads are inflated to hold the injured area in place. How can you care for yourself when you wear a splint? …
Health topics
… be alert for signs of infection. Your doctor can tell you how long to keep up these precautions. What are the signs of … pain when you urinate, and a need to urinate often. How is neutropenia treated? If your white blood cell count … Some people may be allowed to take antibiotics by mouth. How can you prevent infections? When you have neutropenia, …
Health topics
… problems that go on for a long time can affect your health. How does sleep affect your health? Most adults do best when … coffee, watching TV, or using the computer, can also affect how well you sleep. And some medical conditions can cause … during sleep. The problem can be mild or severe, based on how often your lungs don't get enough air. People with sleep …