6217 results found
Health topics
… miscarriage rate is lower if there are fewer fetuses at the start of the procedure. Emotional risks for you, especially … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to have …
Health topics
… cancer may not need chemo. There are gene tests that may show whether having chemo will help you reduce your chances … tumour size, and hormone receptor status have an effect on how well chemo will work to keep your cancer from coming … cells are growing and dividing and where they may have started in the breast tissue. If your cancer cells are …
Health topics
… need to have your triglyceride levels checked before you start this medicine and every 4 to 6 weeks while you are … before you took the medicine. You may feel better about how you look if the medicine clears up your acne. It may not … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to …
Health topics
… Pain may be sudden and severe. Bruising and swelling may start soon after the injury. Acute injuries include: A cut … Treatment depends on: The location and type of injury, and how bad it is. How long ago the injury occurred. Your age, health …
Health topics
… or spider bite or sting No Insect or spider bite or sting How old are you? Less than 1 year old Less than 1 year 1 to … of an allergic reaction? Even if the symptoms do not start right away or are mild at first, they may quickly … or sting No Pain or burning pain at site of bite or sting How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no pain …
Health topics
… diaper rash? Yes Diaper rash concern No Diaper rash concern How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … before No Has had same rash before Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care … without getting better. A milder diaper rash usually will start to improve sooner. Make an Appointment Based on your …
Health topics
… Even if they do work, they may not make a big difference in how you think and remember. Medicines may cost a lot. You … the brain . It causes a steady loss of memory and affects how well you can speak, think, and do your daily activities. … Most side effects go away within a few weeks after you start taking the medicines. The most common side effects of …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview The brain controls how the body moves by sending out small electrical signals … think that you have had a seizure? Yes Seizure No Seizure How old are you? 6 years or younger 6 years or younger 7 to … No Neurological symptoms Do you have a severe headache that started suddenly and is the worst headache of your life? …
Health topics
… to take allergy shots for 3 to 5 years. You cannot be sure how long the shots will be effective after you stop getting … beta-blockers, are pregnant, are not able to communicate how the shots are working, or have an impaired immune system … shots may keep getting them. But doctors don't recommend starting allergy shots during pregnancy. Compare your …
Health topics
… other breast changes. Yes Breast problem No Breast problem How old are you? 11 years or younger 11 years or younger 12 … might be normal for you. Yes Breast pain No Breast pain How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, if 0 is no pain … breast problem? Think about whether your breast problems started after you began using a new medicine or a higher …