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Health topics
… with spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? Condoms don't require a … the semen. You can also buy condoms of different sizes. How well do male condoms work to prevent pregnancy? The male … wrapper, be careful not to poke a hole in the condom with your fingernails, teeth, or other sharp objects. Put the …
Health topics
… Overview Some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can raise your blood pressure or keep your blood pressure medicine … Examples are ephedra, ma huang, and bitter orange. How can you know if it's safe to take an over-the-counter … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Some …
Health topics
… after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery until your doctors feel it is safe for you to go home. During this … will help begin your rehabilitation and educate you on how to care for yourself when you return home. You must … breathe inward, the ball within the air column moves up. How high the ball moves up shows how much air you inhale. A …
Health topics
… or stops the sperm from moving. The sponge fits inside your vagina and covers the cervix, which is the opening of … sex. Don't leave it in for more than a total of 30 hours. How well does it work? How well the sponge works depends on whether you have ever …
Health topics
… problem that can occur at any age. When you have dry skin, your skin may be rough, or scaly or flaky, and it may itch. … skin, especially if you use hot water for your baths or showers. How do you care for dry skin? The following home treatment …
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de … pain can spread up your forearm or down into your thumb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will check for swelling, … the same area of the hand and wrist as de Quervain's. How is de Quervain's tenosynovitis treated? The goal of …
Health topics
… You may have a problem if any of the following occur: Your wisdom teeth break through your gums only partway … problems that require their wisdom teeth to be removed. How are problems diagnosed? Your dentist will check for … problems now or are likely to cause problems in the future How are problems with wisdom teeth treated? Wisdom teeth …
Health topics
… with stool may be a sign of a more serious problem.) Tell your doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. … It may bleed from time to time but cause no other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure … as inflammatory bowel disease or a weakened immune system . How can you care for yourself at home? If your doctor …
Health topics
… Most warts go away on their own within months or years. How do they spread? Warts are spread by direct contact with a human papillomavirus (HPV) . You can infect yourself again by touching the wart and then touching … as on a finger or the bottom of the foot, can be painful. How are they diagnosed? A doctor usually can tell if a skin …
Health topics
… causes. A stroke can affect parts of the brain that control how you feel. You may have emotional reactions that are different from your normal ones. For example, you may have fits of crying … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview After a stroke, some …