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… before you start using belimumab and each time you get a treatment. Discuss the risks and benefits of belimumab … by injection into a vein by a health care professional. It should be injected slowly over 1 hour. The first 3 doses are … to an infection or for more details. Tell your doctor your vaccine history and ask if you need to get any vaccines …
Health topics
… comfort of family and friends. Try to eat healthy foods, get some sleep, and get exercise (or just get out of the … right away if the baby is moving less than before. How long should you wait before you try to get pregnant again? Talk … right away if the baby is moving less than before. How long should you wait before you try to get pregnant again? Talk …
Health topics
… at risk for TB? Some people are more likely than others to get TB. This includes people who: Have HIV or another … It is important for people who are at a high risk for getting TB to get tested once or twice every year. What are … the person to follow treatment instructions. Can the TB vaccine help? A TB vaccine ( bacille Calmette-Guerin , or …
Health topics
… Activity Emotional and Mental Wellness Sexual Wellness Getting the Nutrition You Need Getting the Medical Care You … that often come with getting older. What kinds of changes should you expect as you get older? Changes as you get older … already active, ask your doctor if there is anything you should change to stay safe as your body and health change. …
… before you start taking fingolimod and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or … to an infection or for more details. Tell your doctor your vaccine history and ask if you need to get any vaccines … doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. You should not become pregnant while taking fingolimod. …
Health topics
… virus type 1 or the herpes simplex virus type 2. You get infected when the virus enters your body. It can enter … them, use a condom and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available for some STIs, such as HPV. Ask your doctor for more information. Cause Genital …
Health topics
… certain medicines, or other reasons. Most people who get shingles will get better and won't get it again. But … can help prevent lasting eye damage. There are shingles vaccines for adults. They lower your chances of getting … that are important to many health problems. Shingles: Should I Get a Vaccine to Prevent Shingles? Cause Shingles …
Health topics
… in order to prevent weight gain, they will do something to get rid of the food (purge). They may vomit, exercise too … body shape. Have a poor body image, or feel that your body should be slim like many people in the media. You are the … don't try to handle them on your own. Get help. What should you do if you think someone has bulimia? It can be …
Health features
… may lose consciousness. With slowed breathing, less oxygen gets into your blood. This can lead to brain damage, cardiac … in urban, suburban and rural areas of the province. Why should I be concerned about fentanyl? Fentanyl is a lot more … taken by people who use illegally possessed drugs. People should be aware that drugs they obtain other than from …
Health topics
… happens when the heart muscle grows too thick. The heart gets bigger , and its chambers get smaller. Many people have … pump blood well, or it doesn't relax between beats as it should. In rare cases, this can lead to heart failure . … such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get the flu vaccine every year. Get a pneumococcal vaccine. If you have …