5238 results found
… before you start using ustekinumab and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Before starting this drug, you should take a tuberculosis (TB) skin test to check for a … contact with people who have recently received oral polio vaccine or flu vaccine inhaled through the nose. Avoid …
Health topics
… are the best way to help protect you or your child from getting certain diseases that can be spread to other people … with weak immune systems . These people may not be able to get vaccines, or vaccines don't work well for them. Their only …
Health features
… contaminated surfaces. There is no specific treatment or vaccine for EV-D68. Most people will get better on their own without any treatment. The risk of … worsen, especially difficulty breathing, medical care should be sought immediately. Parents of children with …
Health topics
… Overview Supportive Care Self-Care Complementary Treatments Getting Support What is … grow abnormally and don't mature or die off as they should. Instead, they become leukemia cells. These leukemia … getting very sick by staying up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines and getting an influenza (flu) vaccine or a …
… are taking this medication for self-treatment of headache, get medical help right away if you also have trouble … pain has worsened, the medicine may not work as well. You should not take this medication for self-treatment of pain … any undiagnosed illness or if they have recently received a vaccine. In these cases, taking aspirin increases the risk …
Health topics
… livestock are vaccinated against anthrax. But people can get anthrax from handling animal skins or products made out … who has been exposed to anthrax spores but is not yet sick should be treated with antibiotics and a few doses of the vaccine to prevent infection. Not everyone who has been …
HealthLinkBC files
… your child’s nose or changing a diaper is a common way to get germs on your hands. You cannot avoid contacting germs, … yourself and others by knowing when to wash your hands. How should I properly wash my hands? To properly wash your … clean your hands as long as they are not visibly dirty. How should I wash my baby’s hands? To properly wash your baby’s …
Health topics
… it doesn't mean that he or she has AIDS. How do children get HIV? Children can be exposed to the virus in several … birth. The virus can spread through breastfeeding too. Getting stuck with a needle that has the virus on it or … foods, gets plenty of exercise, and has all recommended vaccines on schedule. Join a support group. These groups can …
Health topics
… and people with weak immune systems. An infection you get from an animal is called a zoonosis (say … doctor if there are any other local types of infection you should protect against during pregnancy. Infections you can … doctor if there are any other local types of infection you should protect against during pregnancy. Infections you can …
HealthLinkBC files
… health care that is in the child's best interests without getting consent from the parent or guardian if the health … children are behind in immunization or at risk for certain vaccine-preventable diseases). Most of the time, the … at immunization clinics held at schools. Children may also get vaccines at a health unit, youth clinic, doctor's office …